It's nice and shiny!
Looks a lot like this one:

Moderator: Sandman
Being a supervisor, I really don't want my interviewers to see me in this way. Most of them I was an interviewer with and they supported my promotion, but at times it feels like I'm treated more like an interviewer and less like a supervisor. There is a fine line for me between being uber-serious and allowing for a relaxed environment.Mr Wallstreet wrote:If you recall I had that kind of relationship with my bosses way back when I was at Citibank and HSBC. It's just that now I see all supervisor's as people who will potentially try and screw you over in the future whether they want to or not and for that reason, I'd just as soon as not get all buddy-buddy with them.
But it sounds like you had a great two years!ChimeraCreative wrote:The last time I was employed for real, I got along way too well with the manager in my department. We ran around doing stupid, crazy shit. And after work she'd call my place all the time to see what I was watching on tv, get homework help for her daughter, etc. It was a lot of fun for two years. And when that bubble burst, well, it wasn't just an awkward time at work, one of us had to quit. Obviously it was me, The Bum of the Ages. Everyone I know kinda clucked their tongue, shook their heads and said 'it never pays to get to chummy with your boss.' Holy fuck they were right.
I've got some family member on my Facebook (two of my cousins), but they know I'm weird already so anything I post (see Photoshoped album) will probably be glossed over.Tragic Angelus wrote:While I'm not in the same situation, I am friends with past professors on Facebook, and even family members, and so far it's not that big of a deal.
Meh, but he is your boss. It is kinda weird that he's even asking. I'd ignore it until he asks about it, if he even does, and then add him just to seem like the nice guy.Tragic Angelus wrote: All in all, I think as long as you don't publicly bitch about him or your job on Fbook, you should be safe. Just do it here