Well, two of my 3d models (well, pictures of them, natch) are hanging in one of the display cases at work. The cases are split between Game Art, Game Design, Movie-making, and Interior Design students. And there's a picture of me finally by my work so it's pretty cool being recognized and being told my work is good.
I finished my tank today finally for the final project (we are gonna animate the tanks!) and the teacher did a critique on all of them in front of the whole class. He looked at mine first and said nobody beat mine and he would be hard pressed to make one similiar, with as few polys. I was so proud

My teacher did alot of modeling work on the soon to be released Stargate MMO so he just may be the "in" to the industry.
On unrelated note, my old roomates and best friends, Ryan, Sean, and Alex, of the band This Century, just got a new booking agent. The agent? The same man that works with Panic at the Disco, Fallout Boy, and others. Very exciting shit!!!