jedispyder wrote:I like it. Nice and slim, doesn't look too bulky like some costumes end up looking with literal translations.
Do you mean the Flash concept art?
If so, what do you think of Flash's costume in Gods Among Us? Now that is bulky, which I always think is weird for a fast character.
When did Wolvie's chest get so wide? Also, Kris Anka may create great costume but wouldn't it be nice if he could draw faces that we can tell from one another?
Ah yes, Kris Anka does like to draw big chests on men. It's even more noticeable on the really big guys. His Hulk, Beast, Think and Thanos all share this giant dwarf look. I don't mind it though.
I like Anka's designs, and even covers, but his sequentials leave something to be desired for me.
As for the designs, I like the Falcon costume for the film. It's exactly what I had in mind to work for the film version. The Wolverine costume isn't bad. It blends a number of his costumes together, and I like it. The only problem I have is wondering if we'll actually see it in other books, or will it only show up in this one? He seems to wear slight variations of each costume in different books (Solo, Avengers, X-Men titles) so when will he actually be using this one?
As for the Flash costume... it doesn't look bad, but typically TV versions of the outfits seem slightly awkward to me. I'm basing most of this off of Smallville's versions of Green Arrow, the JSA, and a few others. The budget allowed for costumes in films just makes them seem more real and believable. But, I don't watch Arrow, and I won't be watching Flash, so it won't bother me much at all.
The Kris Anka X Force one? I don't know where I mentioned it before, but I said I thought it was awesome.
I think it must have been in a thread about female costumes being less sexist. I really like how Anka kept her costume sexy, but more importantly kept it simplem sleek and functional looking.
All the Smallville ones are a bit vile. I don't understand how a TV Budget instantly means shit costumes. I can conceive how good materials can be costly, but surely a few costumes don't cost too much?