DC Offices Go Bi-Coastal

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Tragic Angelus
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DC Offices Go Bi-Coastal

Post by Tragic Angelus »

From Newsarama:


In wake of the DC Comics re-alignment from just over a year or so ago, and amid rumors of the DC offices moving out to LA, a final decision has been made:

DC Comics stays in New York City.

DC Entertainment's (the new official name of the DC Comics and media formation) Multi-Media and Digital Content areas, however, will move to Burbank, CA.

Comics will still be published and maintained in NYC while the overal media exposure, ranging from TV to film and more will be centralized in Burbank, keeping the 75 year History of DC Publications where it started.

So now that that's settled, I'm sure there will be some ups and downs in publishing and connections to media as they two offices shift around and re-arrange and begin to set up a communications network that will work effectively.

To be honest, I'm kind of glad they'll stay in NYC. It makes sense to move the multi-media exposure to California, though I'm sure it'll put a disconnect between the two until they get it sorted out. It also seems from what I got out of the article that NYC is only the Publishing base, where Burbank has basically become the official homebase of DC Entertainment. If anyone else can clarify or correct me on that please do so.

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Post by jedispyder »

Makes perfect sense to send the non-comic stuff to Cali where the actual non-comic stuff is worked on. I feel sorry for those who have to relocate but it does make sense.

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Tragic Angelus
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Post by Tragic Angelus »

I know Lee and Johns already live on the West Coast, but it makes me wonder of Didio has to relocate, or if he'll stay on one coast to manage publishing while Lee stays on the other to manage multi media with Johns an dthe two travel back and forth.

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Mr Wallstreet
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Post by Mr Wallstreet »

Agreed, it makes more sense for DCE to move out to the West Coast where a lot of film/animation studios and actors are located.

Much of the main media development crew will probably have to relocate if they want to keep their jobs but I for people like Didio, I think he'll just fly back and forth a lot.

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Tragic Angelus
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Post by Tragic Angelus »


In the wake of the new DC news relating to the Bi-Coastal move and shutting of Wildstorm, DC will be either Firing or offering to Relocate up to 80 employees, beginning just after Christmas.

Full Story here at Newsarama: http://www.newsarama.com/comics/dc-fire-move-employees-100924.html

The article also says that apparently, DC's current estimated workforce is made up of 250 people, so that's quite a large portion of the workforce.

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Mr Wallstreet
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Post by Mr Wallstreet »

That's 30% of their workforce they're going to layoff and considering DC's entire workforce is only 250 people that is massive!

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Tragic Angelus
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Post by Tragic Angelus »

Agreed, it's a very large portion, but those 80 are either going to be laid off or offered relocation. So it's possible all 80 could be laid off, if they don't choose to relocate, but not necessarily all of them. We still don't have the official breakdown on how many will get one or the other.

However, it's already started, rather than being held off for another few months, and it started in the Vertigo Imprint:


Seems like this will be Company wide and no one's going to be safe if Vertigo's already been targeted.

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Post by XIII »

Pichetshote was the editor of some successfull books like Unwritten and Joe the Barbarian. This decision makes no sense.
Rumour has him landing at Marvel very quickly.

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