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Post by wolf_2099 »

The French Biscuit wrote:*veers off topic*

Query: How far in advance did you guys have to get your shiznit (hotel, plane ticket, NYCC ticket) together before the con? Weeks, months? Biscuit wishes to know.

We've all done it differently.

The first year for me was a month, last year was 2 weeks. Arn and Stocky I think was a couple months.
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Post by XIII »

The French Biscuit wrote:*veers off topic*

Query: How far in advance did you guys have to get your shiznit (hotel, plane ticket, NYCC ticket) together before the con? Weeks, months? Biscuit wishes to know.
It was always months for me.
The first time, I got everything sorted out in January and the show was in April. Second time, it was early December for a February show.

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Post by MGM »

Does this mean the Biscuit will attend as well? :D

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Post by Stocky Boy »

If you're Sandman you organise your shit last minute. :D

I can't really remember Biscy. Trust in the Arn and the Cam. My own memory of organising stuff has vaguely been triggered by reading their posts. What they said seems right to me.

SDCC looks fun Junk and as the big iconic comics/pop culture convention it seems well worth going to, but...
NYCC, although a long way away from being as big as SDCC is the second biggest comics event.
NYCC hasn't reached the heights of mass diversification into all pop culture (just yet, but obviously the animication of it is a sign of things to come) and... it's New York, which I'm looking forward to atleast one last time.

To be fair, it's not like the two events overlap, like sodding Big Apple does with NYCC. So, time wise it's doable to do both SD and NY. Cost wise, not so much and I'm most definitely up for one last NYCC.

Oh and I suspect Meek's got some beef with me, which ominously makes a forecast of attending SDCC a bit dreary . : p

Incidently, Arn, is Malorie likely to come this time round?
Anyone interested in staying at the same hotel? Not necessarily same room, but same hotel makes organizing meets a bit easier.
I am tempted to spend a bit more on hotels this time and stay where Cam went, but I'm open to suggestions.

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Post by wolf_2099 »

I really do think it will be at least 1 more NYCC before there is a change of venue. We love ourselves some NYCC.
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Post by Stocky Boy »

I was thinking about ol NYCC today actually.

Since the con is in October now, instead of the pain in the arse February date last year, which required me to get my arse back to London pronto for a massive work situation, I was thinking of coming in a few days earlier to see a show and the Met.

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Post by MGM »

Stocky Boy wrote:Incidently, Arn, is Malorie likely to come this time round?
Anyone interested in staying at the same hotel? Not necessarily same room, but same hotel makes organizing meets a bit easier.
I am tempted to spend a bit more on hotels this time and stay where Cam went, but I'm open to suggestions.
Actually, I have one. The neighbours went to NYC for a week and rented an apartment. Which was supposed to be hella cheap. And one apartment is most likely to be cheaper than hotel rooms for at least 4 or 5 (me, my girl, French boy, Stocky, Wulf?) people. Than again, we're not sure yet when we'll arrive or leave, so... but, it might be something to keep in mind.

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Post by Stocky Boy »

There's an idea. Let's definitely keep that one in our minds. If we all turn up and leave around the same time, it's likely to be a winner!

Arn, want to create a new FB group for further discussions and shit?

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Post by wolf_2099 »

Fuck, this is way too soon for me to start planning.

It's a year away!

I may even have a friend with an apartment there around that time.
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Post by XIII »

I'll be on my own this time again. Malorie somehow wasn't convinced with the con experience ;) and as we did a fair share of sightseeing, she doesn't want to go back to NY.

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Post by wolf_2099 »

Haha, she just doesn't like us, does she?

So sad.
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Post by XIII »

No, she liked you all, actually. Thought you were genuinely nice guys. Obviously, something went wrong there.

I'll get to the FB group thing this week as well. Even though it's weeeell in advance.

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Post by Mr Wallstreet »

Stocky Boy wrote:I was thinking about ol NYCC today actually.

Since the con is in October now, instead of the pain in the arse February date last year, which required me to get my arse back to London pronto for a massive work situation, I was thinking of coming in a few days earlier to see a show and the Met.
Sad to hear that for some of you guys this may be your last NYCC for a (long) while. If thats so, then I hope you all will do what the Stock is contemplating and arrive a few days earlier for some extra fun.

I suspect though that I'll still be able to shack up with Sand and possibly D for future NY Cons, and I may even hit up the SDCC con at a future date.

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Post by Mr Wallstreet »

XIII wrote:No, she liked you all, actually. Thought you were genuinely nice guys. Obviously, something went wrong there.

In any event she was great to have around and put up with our geeky childishnesses wonderfully.

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Post by MGM »

wolf_2099 wrote:Fuck, this is way too soon for me to start planning.

It's a year away!

I may even have a friend with an apartment there around that time.
While I do agree, things for me and Natascha are a bit different. We're most likely combining NYCC with a visit to Washington and Miami. So we'll have to plan early for it. But yaeh, a bit more timebetween now and ACTUAL planning isn't that strange.

Than again, booking early usually gets you cheaper rooms, right?

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Post by wolf_2099 »

MGM wrote:While I do agree, things for me and Natascha are a bit different. We're most likely combining NYCC with a visit to Washington and Miami. So we'll have to plan early for it. But yaeh, a bit more timebetween now and ACTUAL planning isn't that strange.

Than again, booking early usually gets you cheaper rooms, right?
Yes, but now compared to early next year won't make a difference, especially if you keep an out out for room and airline sales.
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Post by ChimeraCreative »

I love you guys.

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Post by Junkogen »

Mr Wallstreet wrote: I may even hit up the SDCC con at a future date.
What is this "may" shit? I've been taking inventory on all the various cemetery and miscellaneous burial sites since I moved here in anticipation of you coming to SDCC. I've made sure to get clippings of all the obituaries for lovely dead ladies and gentlemen for your fiendish, ravaging pleasure. I even went so far as to attend some of the funerals for certain ones that I thought you'd really get a kick out of to determine the materials used in crafting the coffin and thus gauge an accurate rate of decay. And you're telling me that all my hard work might be awash?

Shame on you!:finger:

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Post by Junkogen »

Tragic Angelus wrote:I misses Junk a lot...
I know you're a WASP of the highest wealth and resources Mr. Edbert III. Come to SDCC next year. Join Meek? and I and together we can rule the comic con as surrogate fathers and son.

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Post by Junkogen »

Stocky Boy wrote: Oh and I suspect Meek's got some beef with me, which ominously makes a forecast of attending SDCC a bit dreary . : p
He doesn't strike me as the type to hold a grunge. Water under the bridge, Stocky old chap.

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