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Post by ChimeraCreative »

William McDert wrote:btw, if you are on my facebook please play the word challenge and boost my ego even more as you wont come close to my high score.
That sounds like a filthy rotten scoundrel challenge you filthy rotten scoundrel man. En garde (laters)!
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Post by MGM »

wolf_2099 wrote:Just tell him you aren't comfortable crossing that work and friends line. You'd prefer to keep the two separate, especially since he is your boss.
This sounds like sound advice.

On the Dutch equivalent of FB I've got co-workers listed as friends, but that's something entirely different than my boss. Of course, I hardly ever use it, but if you do[i/] use it and feel uncomfortable with it, go with Wulf's suggestion.

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Post by IrishCream »

Junkogen wrote:Yeah, but if he outright asks him if he got the request then what does he do?
Pretend to black out and not recall the conversation? Yeah, say that the word "Facebook" is the trigger word for your episodes. Then pretend to black out again to play up your angle.

I dunno, you'd probably have to bite the bullet then. And I agree with Kid that talking to him about it won't help.

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Post by IrishCream »

MGM wrote:This sounds like sound advice.

On the Dutch equivalent of FB I've got co-workers listed as friends, but that's something entirely different than my boss. Of course, I hardly ever use it, but if you do[i/] use it and feel uncomfortable with it, go with Wulf's suggestion.

I just feel like saying that would kinda put him at odds with his boss. I mean, it shouldn't, but it probably would.

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Mr Wallstreet
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Post by Mr Wallstreet »

Tragic Angelus wrote:

All in all, I think as long as you don't publicly bitch about him or your job on Fbook, you should be safe. Just do it here

That's the whole purpose of Facebook in particular and the internet in general. Bitching about others :)

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Mr Wallstreet
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Post by Mr Wallstreet »

I can't exactly use the "seperation of friends and work" line because I've got a few co-workers on my FB.

But you guys are right, because he is my boss he should recognize that trying to create a relationship/friendship outside the four walls of our office is somewhat inappropriate as it puts me between the proverbial rock and hard place.

If I accept his friend request, he can (potentially) see all my dirty laundry. If I say no, I run the risk of offending him which may result in backlash and awkwardness at work.

Besides, I can tell that this is nothing more than a ploy to get into my pants. He's so transparent.

I should just slap him.


Do we have a "pimpslap" emoticon?

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William McDert
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Post by William McDert »

Jesus christ just add him you pussy.

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William McDert
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Post by William McDert »

I mean, add him AFTER he asks you why you haven't.

Don't accept or deny until he accepts. He might just think you WANT to befriend him on there and was just being nice. If you just let it hang there and pretend you don't notice it (which happens all the fucking time so it wouldn't be that unbelievable) he might actually appreciate this act.

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Post by Mr Wallstreet »

Quickie response: I'm not adding him


And not in the passive aggressive-way either.

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William McDert
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Post by William McDert »

Keep it down, Ed's taking a nap. His baba is still halfway in his mouth. So kyoot!

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Post by Stocky Boy »

Contrasting all of this, I'm friends with my boss and previous boss from a different department on Facebook.

I keep any potentially dangerous stuff in private messages and most of the times I'm pretty confidant that my wall, although sometimes provocative, will not get me into any trouble.

Plus my boss is cool. We talk about our favourite TV shows, video games and just generally have a good laugh throughout the day, even when we're waist deep in work.

How awesome for me, heh? :D

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Mr Wallstreet
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Post by Mr Wallstreet »

Stocky Boy wrote:Contrasting all of this, I'm friends with my boss and previous boss from a different department on Facebook.

I keep any potentially dangerous stuff in private messages and most of the times I'm pretty confidant that my wall, although sometimes provocative, will not get me into any trouble.
I don't want to become anything more than a work colleague to my boss. Admittedly, many of my experiences with supervisors have been negative which has skewed my perception of "management". I've seen managers pull some douchey things on their subordinates, co-workers and I've also been on the recieving end of their douchery a few times myself.

Also, I don't want to censor my wall. I want to post pics where I am in homoerotic postions with other men in seedy bars, or administering fellatio to giant statues, or post raunchy, dirty jokes.
Plus my boss is cool. We talk about our favourite TV shows, video games and just generally have a good laugh throughout the day, even when we're waist deep in work.

How awesome for me, heh? :D
You sound like a Teacher's Pet ;)

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Post by ChimeraCreative »

Mr Wallstreet wrote:
You sound like a Teacher's Pet ;)
Like a stunning pedigree with impeccable standards, grooming and a superiority complex towards his handlers. But a Teacher's Pet nonetheless. ^_^
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Mr Wallstreet
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Post by Mr Wallstreet »

Do you suppose Stocky also carries his boss's briefcase for him? ;) :D

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Post by Mr Wallstreet »

Mr Wallstreet wrote:
I should just slap him.


Do we have a "pimpslap" emoticon?

:smilielol5: That is so hilarious. Thank you for that

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Stocky Boy
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Post by Stocky Boy »

He fetches me water when I'm thirsty. Really no shit. True story. :)
To be fair, we take turns - fetching me water. :D

I'm really fortunate in my place of work. I haven't had a bad boss. I've had problems and little arguments, but it I always performed well or exceptionally and got my promotions without any hassle. They always recognised my contribution to the company, operationally and my contribution to good vibes around the office. In fact, why am I tip toeing around the key point here, which is, it's fair to say, my good relationship with my boss can be entirely attributed to my personality. :D

From the looks of it Wally, all you have to do is be more like me and then you'll be able to establish an exemplary good-buddy/good worker relationship with your boss and can freely accept his friend request on Facebook. :D

The first way you could imitate me is to lose the tie and wear an Armani belt. :D ;)

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Post by ChimeraCreative »

Am I to take it that Stocky is checking Wally's pedigree now? *teehee*
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Mr Wallstreet
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Post by Mr Wallstreet »

Stocky Boy wrote:He fetches me water when I'm thirsty. Really no shit. True story. :)
To be fair, we take turns - fetching me water. :D

From the looks of it Wally, all you have to do is be more like me and then you'll be able to establish an exemplary good-buddy/good worker relationship with your boss and can freely accept his friend request on Facebook. :D

The first way you could imitate me is to lose the tie and wear an Armani belt. :D ;)
All jokes aside, it really is great that you're able to have that kind of positive and professional relationship with your bosses.

If you recall I had that kind of relationship with my bosses way back when I was at Citibank and HSBC. It's just that now I see all supervisor's as people who will potentially try and screw you over in the future whether they want to or not and for that reason, I'd just as soon as not get all buddy-buddy with them.

Although your idea to sport an Armani belt intrigues me. Tell me more of this

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