... ore-kirby/
Unfortunately for Roberson, after DC got wind of his tweets:
andHaving an afternoon cocktail to celebrate the end of my time at DC.
Aside from the Fairest arc I already committed to doing, iZombie will be the last time I’ll ever write for DC.
DC decided that his last storyline for Fairest would in fact not be used and effectively "fired" him by not using it.Sorry. In a better world, characters like the Legion would be owned by a more ethical company, but sadly not in this one.
The short version is, I don’t agree with the way they treat other creators and their general business practices.
I decided quite some time ago, but waited until after the cancellation of my book was announced to discuss it.
I applaud Roberson for standing up for his beliefs. He obviously knew what he was getting himself into before and after making those public declarations about DC's practices so their reaction isn't entirely surprising.