Comic Creators Twitter

General discussions about the books with tights and fights!

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Comic Creators Twitter

Post by wolf_2099 »

I just set up a twitter account.

I'm wondering who everyone follows, and what their user names might be?
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Post by XIII »

I'm @ArnaudXIII and I follow loads of creators so you can check who I am following for a good idea.

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Tragic Angelus
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Post by Tragic Angelus »

Ha I just saw your account following me. I have a few on there.

CBR has a Comic Book Twitter Directory that might benefit you if you want to just go through the alphabet for anyone you might want to follow:

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Post by wolf_2099 »

That's perfect Ed, thank you very much!

I'd like this if we were on Facebook.
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Tragic Angelus
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Post by Tragic Angelus »

No problem. Thumb through it every now and again for anyone else I want to follow as I pick up new books or line ups change on books I read.

I really like following artists because they tend to tweet what they're working on or warm up sketches, and it's always great stuff. But the best thing is, most of the creators actually respond to things you say to them. Great way to interact with them, even if it is just a "thanks for reading" from some of them.

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Mr Wallstreet
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Post by Mr Wallstreet »

I'm @ffsohail

I follow more or less what Tragic, XIII & MGM follow as far as comic writers but I also follow other prose novel writers, comedians & political pundits and a few funny celebs here and there.

Pretty much the only time I'll unfollow someone is when they tweet nothing but promos about their up coming projects and forgo the interaction aspect. I understand twitter is primarily a marketing tool but some celebs/writers do nothing but spam your twitter feed with their newest project or show.

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Post by XIII »

Yeah, sometimes some guys are pushing their promotion on the borderline of spamming. The ones that comes to mind are Jeff Lemire and Scott Snyder who used to tweet every fucking link to a review of their book. They've toned it lately so I'm thinking someone told them.

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Post by MGM »

I also unfollowed Nail Gaiman, due to the absolutely uninteresting tweets that guy had to offer.

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Mr Wallstreet
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Post by Mr Wallstreet »

Stan Lee, as nice of a guy as he is, his tweets were unbearable. He never had anything interesting to say but he'd throw out 7 or 8 consecutive really, really corny tweets that crapped up your feed so after a while I unfollowed him.

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Post by Tragic Angelus »

I had to stop with Matt Fraction early after I got Twitter. His were absolutely pointless nonsense tweets that sounded like he was tweeting on acid in Turkish to me. It wasn't worth the effort to decipher his tweets. I also stop following some after I lose interst in their work but that's random.

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Post by jedispyder »

Just don't do what I did and add all creators, it can be a bit overwhelming...

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Mr Wallstreet
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Post by Mr Wallstreet »

XIII wrote:Yeah, sometimes some guys are pushing their promotion on the borderline of spamming. The ones that comes to mind are Jeff Lemire and Scott Snyder who used to tweet every fucking link to a review of their book. They've toned it lately so I'm thinking someone told them.
You're welcome

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