Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt 2

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Mr Wallstreet
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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt 2

Post by Mr Wallstreet »

It was okay. I didn't feel as though it was nearly as epic, emotional or as balls to the walls amazing as many other people felt it was. It was solidly enjoying but I wasn't on the edge of my seat the whole time. Still a good way to end a 10 year saga.

Btw, most everyone in the theater was laughing when the film ended and they were doing the "19 years later" scene. To me, that scene just looked downright goofy. Though the character's weren't CGI'ed to look older it just came off as looking hokey.

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Post by Sandman »

I enjoyed it, though like all the others I liked the book better
All Will be Well!


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