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Tragic Angelus
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Post by Tragic Angelus »

I didn't have much of a clue he wasn't American until I noticed something in one episode, and then read it online a few days later. So I think it's just fine.

I'm still three episodes away from finishing it though so I need to get to that.

New question: Will Season 2 take place before or after Defenders? Perhaps I miss-read the release, but it sounded like it would return in 2016, and I thought Defenders wasn't coming out until then, if not later. Doesn't Jessica Jones come out at the end of this year, with Cage next year? Or am I totally off the mark in the release dates for these shows?

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Mr Wallstreet
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Post by Mr Wallstreet »

I thought Cox's American accent was quite good. Perhaps a little too good for a kid growing up in the shitty side of Manhattan.

I just read the release dates for Jessica Jones and Luke Cage and I had no idea they would be spaced so far apart. JJ in December and Cage next year is way to far. I thought JJ would be in fall and Cage would round out the year.

But based on this I imagine S2 of DD will be self contained only because we have no idea how the next 2 (potentially 3) shows will pan out. Right now DD is hot and they're gonna keep the momentum going.

I have one minor gripe about the series. In the show the characters are in their late 20s/early 30s (based on Foggys law school registration date) which puts their dates of birth around the early 90s - which means they grew up in the Kitchen in the late 90s. The flashback scenes they use for Hells kitchen don't quite mesh with how Hells Kitchen actually looked in the late 90s.

It looks more like the 70s/80s version when the neighborhood was an actual shithole. And not just how the environment looked but down to the clothes the kids wore are off; the games they play in the street. I grew up in Brooklyn but I had friends in Manhattan and I don't remember anyone playing "stickball" in Manhattan (or anywhere) in the 90s. That really was more of an 80s thing. Also, in the late 90s the Multiple parts of NY were slowly becoming gentrified. There was less (overt) crime, drugs and violence. The period of Manhattan they're portraying in the series is the NYC of the 70s/80s - but I understand why they're doing it. Better drama.

Again, minor gripe, just wanted to get that off my chest.

Speaking of chests, that Foggy Nelson

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Post by MGM »

Finally finished it. Loved it, although it was not as great as the raving reviews made it seem to be.

I was highly surprised by the end of the penultimate episode. I didn't expect that to happen.

Also, is it me or does the DD suit look a bit tacky?

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Mr Wallstreet
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Post by Mr Wallstreet »

The costume hasn't won me over. It's not camera friendly and looks very "meh"

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Post by jedispyder »

The costume looks really weird. Could be it's just too dark right now, we'll see. Maybe it gets better in Season 2?

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Mr Wallstreet
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Post by Mr Wallstreet »

I just finished the last episode and I amend my answer. The costume itself looks really good to me, it's just the headpiece that looks awkward. A little fine tuning and it should be alright.

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Post by Stocky Boy »

I don't think we've seen a full profile shot of the costume in the light. We're probably never going to get that since DD only comes out in the dark, but I was hoping for the studios to release some finished concept art and/or official photos.

The mask bugs me a little with the angular eyes. I think the horns aren't bad and the blend of black in some places is quite clever. I think the stick(s?) could be longer. Overall though, I think it's quite good.

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Post by Tragic Angelus »

I liked it for the most part. I wasn't focused on his costume for most of it as I was more invested in the story and fight. When I went back to look at it, I didn't think it was too bad for the MCU, and it could always change through Season 2 as he refines his costume and officially becomes "Daredevil" since we haven't seen him take on that name just yet.

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Post by Stocky Boy »

Here's a pretty good image of the end of season costume:
http://www.baratako.com/wp-content/uplo ... e-2015.jpg

In general, I really like it. But the size of the billy clubs look a bit silly. I'm sure even a nine year old could probably beat the crap out of me with one, but they look like the pocket knife of knifes.

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Post by Tragic Angelus »

Sure, but take into account again that this is Season 1. He won't have larger clubs or a refined costume until he's more established and honed on what he all he'll need. Hell for the first season he doesn't even go out with clubs until he dons that costume. What I did like about the clubs was that they locked together to make one larger club, like they've done in the comics before.

I'm sure the costume will change over the course of Season 2, along with his weapons. For now, I feel like what we got fits in with the tone of the MCU and even more so with the street level feel his character and the Netflix shows are set to have.

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Post by Stocky Boy »

Even with my complaints, I do feel that this costume could comfortably be worn on film alongside all the Avengers and not look like a cheaper made for TV costume, like say Arrow.

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Mr Wallstreet
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Post by Mr Wallstreet »

The Billy clubs do seem a bit small and maybe I'm misremembering but they seemed to look bigger when he was running around in his black costume.

It would've been hilarious and ballsy if the finished shot they released of DD was the yellow and red one costume

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He then prances over to Avengers Tower and asks where to sign up.

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Post by Stocky Boy »

Finally! Concept art!

http://www.cosmicbooknews.com/sites/def ... pt-art.jpg

I liked the actual Netflix costume, but the concept art is fantastic! I think the abdominal region looks better with more black.

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Post by XIII »

Finished watching on the plane. It's a really good season one. I'm a bit skeptical about the costume. Somehow the headpiece reminded me of the 60s Batman TV show.

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