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good weekend!

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 1:10 pm
by Sandman
So I had a good weekend, I went for Thanksgiving at a family friends house this year. I saw Paul who I have not seen in a year since his wedding, he lives in Texas. His older brother Chris who is one of my oldest friends is getting married now too and he asked me to be in his wedding! this will be the first time I have been in a wedding.

On Black Friday I say my friend dave who moved to Colorado, I have not seen him in 3 years.

and Sunday I saw my friend Clark who I have not seen in about 5 years. which there is no excuse for he only lives 2 towns over from me. The last I saw him was at his dad's funeral. He never got to see his grand children. I met them for the first time Sunday. Iris,4 and Carly, 2. I was introduced to them as "Uncle Mike" I had to smile the rest of the night with that. I also got a Play Station 3 out of the deal!! sure it is broken but it will cost half as much to fix it then to buy a new one! His broke and he got an estimate to get it fixed but before he could his wife got a new one on black friday. so before i even called them up to hang out they were discussing that they could sell it on E-bay for $50 or just give it to a friend that wants it. Enter: Me!

so I had a great time hanging out and seeing some of my closest friends. Each friend I saw last weekend I grew up with from an extreamly young age, I consider them each as a brother to me.

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 9:29 am
by Mr Wallstreet
Good on you Sand!