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Montreal Comic Con

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 8:11 pm
by wolf_2099
Saturday after the con my comic book guy, Rob, myself and a few others went to dinner with the Allred, Cooke and Herb Trimpe to dinner at an Italian joint. Lou Ferringo being the Hollywood type it is, decided he needed to go to his own, very expensive restaurant himself with honky tonk, the old WWE wrestler. He also didn't go out Friday night, opting for a massage and a steakhouse by himself instead. Lou appears to be kind of a dick.

Anyway, we had dinner; Cameron Stewart showed up, it was a great time. I was sitting across from Cooke, who is very entertaining, and just down from the Allred, who are also even entertaining, especially for people who do not drink. Good guys.

I mentioned to Darwyn that joke about Arn saying I needed to get proof I had dinner with him; he thought it was funny if not a little weird. Mike Allred then said he should spit on it too just to be sure there was proof it was him. So, he signed, sketches and spits on his place mat and gives it to me. Good times, if not weird and ridiculous.

That night Darwyn also mentioned he wanted Schwartz, a famous Montreal smoked meat diner, but wouldn't get any.

I told him I would pick them up and bring it down for lunch.

Sunday ended up being a series of fortunate events. My mom gave me the car so I could go; I got a parking spot right in front of the deli, then a spot right in front of the con and brought Darwyn, his wife and the Allreds lunch. Darwyn was so happy he gave me a free headshot sketch, made my fucking day. It was awesome; eat your heart out Arn.
A five dollar sandwich gets me a free professional sketch and a great way to top off an awesome convention.

Stewart, Cooke, and Allred. Trimpe are all great guys. Trimpe is highly entertaining and Mrs. Allred is an extremely nice lady.
Arn, send me your address, I’ll send you your place mat.

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 8:15 pm
by wolf_2099
The Group!

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 8:18 pm
by wolf_2099
The Drawings!

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 8:19 pm
by wolf_2099
If anyone cares too, I picked up:

Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 Marvel 229
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 Marvel 230
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 Marvel 309
Animal Man DC 3
Azrael DC 47
Batman DC 244
Batman DC 688
Batman: Harley Quinn DC 1
Battle Chasers Image 2
Chew Image 2
Deadpool: Games of Death Marvel 1
Detective Comics DC 574
Detective Comics DC 575
Detective Comics DC 576
DMZ Vertigo 1
DMZ Vertigo 3
DMZ Vertigo 4
DMZ Vertigo 5
DMZ Vertigo 6
DMZ Vertigo 7
DMZ Vertigo 8
DMZ Vertigo 9
DMZ Vertigo 10
DMZ Vertigo 11
DMZ Vertigo 12
DMZ Vertigo 13
DMZ Vertigo 14
DMZ Vertigo 15
DMZ Vertigo 16
DMZ Vertigo 17
DMZ Vertigo 19
DMZ Vertigo 20
DMZ Vertigo 21
DMZ Vertigo 21
DMZ Vertigo 22
G.I. Joe IDW 1 B Cover
G.I. Joe IDW 2
Generation X Marvel 69
Generation X Marvel 70
Generation X Marvel 73
Hellblazer Vertigo 14
Hellblazer Vertigo 15
Hellblazer Vertigo 16
Hellblazer Vertigo 21
Hellblazer Vertigo 24
Hellblazer Vertigo 25
Hellblazer Vertigo 28
Hellblazer Vertigo 29
Hellblazer Vertigo 30
Hellblazer Vertigo 34
Hellblazer Vertigo 35
Hellblazer Vertigo 36
Hellblazer Vertigo 37
Hellblazer Vertigo 39
Hellblazer Vertigo 47
Hellblazer Vertigo 56 Free Edition
Hellblazer Vertigo 57
Hellblazer Vertigo 76
Hellblazer Vertigo 100
Hellblazer Vertigo 120
Hellblazer Vertigo 134
Hellblazer Vertigo 201
Hellblazer Vertigo 206
Hellblazer Vertigo 217
Hellblazer Vertigo 219
Hellblazer Vertigo 222
Hellblazer Vertigo 224
Hellblazer Vertigo 226
Hellblazer Vertigo 232
Hellblazer Vertigo 233
Hellblazer Vertigo 235
Hellblazer Vertigo 235
Hellblazer Vertigo 236
Hellblazer Vertigo 236
Hellblazer Vertigo 240
Hellblazer Vertigo 240
Hellblazer Vertigo 241
Hellblazer Vertigo 242
Hellblazer Vertigo 245
Hellblazer Vertigo 247
Hellblazer Vertigo 248
Hellblazer Vertigo 248
Hellblazer Vertigo 249
Hellblazer Vertigo 249
Hellblazer Vertigo 251
Hellblazer Vertigo 252
Hellblazer Vertigo 253
Hellblazer Vertigo 254
Hellblazer Vertigo 255
Hellblazer Vertigo 256
Hellblazer Vertigo 257
Hellblazer Vertigo 258
Invincible Image 9
Iron Man Vol 1 Marvel 128
Iron Man Vol 1 Marvel 226
Iron Man Vol 1 Marvel 231
New Teen Titans (Tales of) DC 44
Noble Causes Vol 2 Image 2 A Cover
Noble Causes Vol 2 Image 10
Sandman DC 4
Secret Files and Origins: No Mans Land DC 1
Spectacular Spider-Man Marvel 110
Stray Bullets El Capitan 3
Stray Bullets El Capitan 5
Stray Bullets El Capitan 11
Stray Bullets El Capitan 12
Stray Bullets El Capitan 13
Stray Bullets El Capitan 14
Stray Bullets El Capitan 15
Stray Bullets El Capitan 27
Stray Bullets El Capitan 29
Stray Bullets El Capitan 36
Stray Bullets El Capitan 39
Stray Bullets El Capitan 40
Tales of the Green Lantern Corps Annual DC 2
Ultimatum: X-Men - Requiem Marvel 1
Walking Dead Image 5
Walking Dead Image 7
Whiteout Oni 1 FCBD Edition
Whiteout Oni 1
Whiteout Oni 2
X-Force Vol 3 Marvel 13

Batman Ego
Signed copy of The Hunter
X-Force 120 Signed

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 11:45 pm
by Tragic Angelus
That sounds like an incredible time!!! If anything, I'd much rather go out for drinks or dinner with creators than see them for 4 minutes at a con! How'd you manage to get to go to dinner with all of them?

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 11:57 pm
by wolf_2099
My friendly LCB Guy who I am kind of friends with was running it, he invited me. Plus side of being a nice, normal guy, I guess. Or maybe it's my giant pull list and fact I flew in from Calgary/

I also found out why Darwyn Cooke does not work for MArvel. will post that tomorrow.

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 12:44 am
by Tragic Angelus
Well deserved then!! Glad you had a good time!!

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 6:49 am
by Mr Wallstreet

What Mr. Ed said.

Your dinner with the creators sounds amazing. Glad you had a good time as well as nabbing some sketches and another ton of books. That Catwoman sketch looks particularly great. Did you specifically ask Cooke to do the Catwoman sketch or did he just pick it randomly?

How big was the crowd at the Con and how many days was it?

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 9:03 am
Oh my God. You, sir, are awesomeness personified!!! Just to set things straight, I never doubted you'd be having dinner with them, just thought if you did, you had to get me a little something and you did!!!!

How do I make it up to you? Sending my adress via PM to you. :)

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 9:06 am
Catwoman sketch is brilliant!!

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 11:34 am
by wolf_2099
Mr Wallstreet wrote:^

What Mr. Ed said.

Your dinner with the creators sounds amazing. Glad you had a good time as well as nabbing some sketches and another ton of books. That Catwoman sketch looks particularly great. Did you specifically ask Cooke to do the Catwoman sketch or did he just pick it randomly?

How big was the crowd at the Con and how many days was it?
1000-1500 on the Saturday, which was the bigger day.

He just got really really excitied when I told him I brought Schwartz, and grabbed one out of his book. It was cool.

@ Arn: You don't have to make it up to me. I'll send it out sometime this week.

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 3:40 pm
by Stocky Boy
Awesomeness Cam!
It's like we're all slowly worming our way into the creator's social circles.
Retrospectively, I'm not too surprised Lou bailed. Mr. '30 bucks' seems the type.

Arn, seriously, you want the spat upon place mat? :D

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 3:41 pm
by Mr Wallstreet
Why won't Cooke ever work for Marvel?

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 3:43 pm
by ChimeraCreative
I think Cam's the King of Cons.:emoteHail::emoteHail::emoteHail:

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 6:16 pm
by wolf_2099
Mr Wallstreet wrote:Why won't Cooke ever work for Marvel?
Cooke, along with 4 Canadian children book authors created a business plan for Marvel Adventures, which included, among other things, the the Young Avengers, in it.

Several months after he submitted it, Marvel announced Marvel Adventures, along with introducing the Young Avengers in to regular MU. They were slightly re-worked.

Cooke and his co-workers received no credit or money for their work, and can't sue, since what's the point.

Entire things from their plan were lifted out and taken, but they don't have the money to sue Marvel.

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 7:09 pm
by Tragic Angelus
Stocky Boy wrote: Arn, seriously, you want the spat upon place mat? :D

Do you actually have to ask him that? It's his Jim Lee, of course he wants it.

And I wasn't aware of his refusal to work for Marvel until now, and I can understand why. So Marvel pulled Heinberg in to do the newly remasterd Young Avengers then rather than have it be something he created I'm assuming?

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 9:54 pm
by wolf_2099
Tragic Angelus wrote:Do you actually have to ask him that? It's his Jim Lee, of course he wants it.

And I wasn't aware of his refusal to work for Marvel until now, and I can understand why. So Marvel pulled Heinberg in to do the newly remasterd Young Avengers then rather than have it be something he created I'm assuming?
I didn't get the full details on that, but that was the impression.

Marvel had the layout for young avengers and brought heinberg in to either flesh them out, or write on the idea they already had.

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 6:56 am
by Mr Wallstreet
Nice to see comic companies still screwing the little guy over...

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 10:32 am
by wolf_2099
Yeah, no shit eh?
Does it really surprise you though? Hollywood is known for screwing people on royalties, and we hear smaller stories similar to this is comics fairly regularly.

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 1:45 pm
by Stocky Boy
Editorial arseholes then?