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Wallstreet & Sandman Take Manhattan!
Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 9:39 pm
by Sandman
Boo-Yeah! we me and wally are going to meet up in the city in the morning! we are going to paint the town red and hit up some comic shops and nudie bars....hell yeah!
Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 10:18 pm
by ChimeraCreative
Call me in Canada! ^_^
Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 3:54 am
by MGM
This should be awesome.
Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 7:56 pm
by Mr Wallstreet
Had an absolute blast with Mike today. Much fun was had. Comic and video game shops were visited, a tiny bit of sightseeing was done, did a little bit of shopping, we did lots & lots of walking, funny stories were exchanged. Will post extended meet-up details later.
It was really good to spend time with Mike after not really getting a chance to hang with him during the Con.
Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 8:14 pm
by ChimeraCreative
And yet, there are no pics. I weep for BX.

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 9:23 pm
by Sandman
I would have had a camera but my mom had hers at a party she was at. and I did not want to drag my $1000 camera to the city and lug it around.
Yeah we did ALOT of walking! my blisters have blisters! Wally & I talked alot and got to know each other better.
Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 7:13 am
by Mr Wallstreet
And Sandman got me addicted to Wii.
Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 8:17 am
by Mr Wallstreet
Originally Mike and I planned to meet at 10am on Sunday but we rescheduled for 11am. On Sundays a lot of shops are late in opening. Rather than open at 9:00am they open at 10, or 11 at the latest and given that we were going to be visiting comic shops they likely weren’t going to be opening at 9 or 10am exactly. First off the weather was perfect. It was about high 80s sunny and warm but not humid at all so we weren’t sweating like pack horses walking down the street (at least not during the beginning of our trip.
We met up at Penn station at 11 and from there we went to Macy’s. Right in front of Macy’s the street was blocked off because the city had placed benches, tables and chairs and turned it from a street into a rest-area of sorts so we sat there for about 10 or fifteen minutes just catching up and chatting it up a bit. From Macy’s we went into one of the video game shops and checked out all the new releases and past games that good, bad and horrible. We saw the upcoming Batman: Arkham Asylum game –which looks great by the way. Inside the game shop there was a display set up that had a Wii hooked up to a television that was playable. It was there that Mike got me addicted to the Wii. Mike took a few turns with a fencing game and then gave me a few turns. Before heading into the game shop I had never played a Wii, but in those 5 minutes, I was hooked. It was damn fun. Now I must have!
After leaving the game store we headed up to Jim Hanley’s comic shop right by the Empire State Building. We walked through the aisles checking out various titles and magazines and chatting about the various events, titles and characters. We looked through the display cases at their various statues, t-shirts, toys, AF’s and other memorabilia.
After exiting Jim Hanley’s we went to the comic shop, I shop at, Cosmic Comics. Did some more browsing there. Funny enough, Mike was looking for a copy of Blackest Night: Batman #1 but was unable to get it from his comic shop and forgot to pick it up at Jim Hanley’s. When we got to Cosmic comics, they were all sold out <frown> but then some kid –for whatever reason- put back a copy of BN: Batman #1 that he was going to buy. The minute he put it down, Mike snatched it back up. Another thing Mike picked up were 2 small figurines of Green Lantern & Sinestro. Behind the glass case they looked like plain run of the mill plastic figurines but when he held them in their hand they were much heavier. Turns out the figurines were made of lead and hand painted.
After Cosmic comics, we decided to get lunch. At this point it was 1pm. We walked up and third avenue looking for either a good restaurant or a bar & grill. We finally found one after a few minutes of searching. We went to a place called either Jack’s or Jack Hole’s. They’re menu was huge. They didn’t just serve continental food, but Mexican and a bit of Italian. They also had about 15 different types of burgers. After ordering and throughout lunch we talked a lot more about movies, tv shows, books and the like. After lunch it was pretty hard to move. The place was air conditioned and we were stuffed but finally managed to make it our feet for the second part of the day. We left the bar at around 3ish.
Leaving the bar, we went to Midtown comics on by Times Square; where we saw a whole mot more variety in comics, movies, television shows and novels. We did the tour of the 2 floors looking for new stuff. After leaving Midtown comics, I suggested we go to the Virgin megastore in Times Sq. right in Times. As we were walking there Mike said to me that he was pretty sure that the Megastore was closed, to which I skeptically replied, that it couldn’t have been. I knew they closed another megastore but I didn’t think they’d close down both locations. When we got there, lo and behold the megastore was closed down. Mike was a good enough sport not to say “I told you so”. So with the megastore a no-go, we went to the Toys R Us a block down and checked out more games and AF’s. After leaving the Toys R Us, we walked through Times Sq and found a bench to sit for a bit and rest our tired feet. We talked a lot more about various things we were up to. While chatting Mike called up CC and we chatted with her for a little bit talking about school and past and present shitty and good jobs. Nothings unites people more than a shitty boss.
After hanging on the bench for a good half our, we decided to make a final trip to the last comic shop on our list, the other Midtown comics. We walked up Lex avenue and hit up the final comic shop. Browsed the titles, new releases, back issues, and memorabilia. What was especially fun to look at was all the Green Lantern: Blackest Night memorabilia that was being sold. Black Lantern rings AF’s, shirts, chains, watches figurines etc…After exiting that shop we were dog tired so we just walked around for a bit looking for a quiet place to sit down and have a drink. As we were walking we came across a Nintendo store that, I guess, had just recently opened up. We walked in there just before closing time and I got another chance to take a few cracks at the Wii. This time the game we played was an archery game. Needless to say I sucked at it, but it was good fun. Having never in my life used a Wii controller, I had a lot of problems using & aiming it but still it was very enjoyable. After the last call was made in the Nintendo shop, we left and continued our search for a bar. By that time it was about 7pm and I’m pretty sure our legs were bout ready to fall off.
Instead of going to a bar right by Times Sq, we walked all the way back down to midtown where we finally settled into a quiet bar by Penn Station. It was easier for us just to keep walking to Penn Station and have a quiet and uninterrupted drink than it would have been for us to stop, have a drink and continue walking. This way we could just relax for a good 45 minutes. Mike’s train at Penn leaves every hour and we missed the one at 8 so we waited for the one at 9.
At the bar, both of us were too tired to do more than sip our drinks and just talk. It was the end of a grueling but really fun day. Throughout the day, while shopping and walking, we were talking almost continuously about anything and everything and getting to know one another better. Even though Mike had been to the last 2 Cons, we never really got a chance to talk so it was great getting to know him better. He's a fun, easy going, relaxed guy. I look forward to scheduling another meet up with him before too long.
Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 9:46 am
by Sandman
so here is a photo of my 3 blisters. I have named them Iennie Meanie and george.
Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:34 am
by Mr Wallstreet
Sucks about the blisters man. How're you holding up? I hope work wasn't too hard on your feet. I'm still pretty exhausted myself. I thought maybe a good nights rest would get rid of some of it, but apparently it wasn't enough.
Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 7:23 am
by Sandman
lol the feet are alot better than before actually. but who knows, I am heading to the PNC for Cruefest in a bit so once again I will be all day on my feet, then going to AC on Wednesday
Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 12:22 pm
by Tragic Angelus
Glad you guys had a great time!!! There me be a minor BX meet up come this sunday, but it'll all come down to timing when I'm driving along the west coast!
Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 2:30 pm
by Mr Wallstreet
ChimeraCreative wrote:And yet, there are no pics. I weep for BX.

I didn't feel like dragging my camera along either. Its not too big but it barely fits into my jeans pocket so I would've been uncomfortable walking with them.
Mike and I also happened to walk pass the main building for the Girls Scouts of America. ;D
Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 2:32 pm
by Mr Wallstreet
Tragic Angelus wrote:Glad you guys had a great time!!! There me be a minor BX meet up come this sunday, but it'll all come down to timing when I'm driving along the west coast!
Who are you potentially meeting? I immediately thought of Meek when you said "West Coast". And if it is Meek, don't get him into any trouble with your jailbait ass.
Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 4:11 pm
by Stocky Boy
Obviously it couldn't have been the same as when a few euros and a canuck are with you, but nice going guys. Sounds like you had fun!
Did you both come in and leave from Penn station?
Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 5:11 pm
by Tragic Angelus
Yea, I might get to have lunch with meek? come this weekend, but I won't know until almost the last minute since I'm traveling with my roommate actually. But we're hoping for the best
Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 5:23 pm
by Stocky Boy
Don't you live in Chicago?
How long's that road trip?
Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 5:37 pm
by Tragic Angelus
No, I live in Indiana. And we're spending about 10 days on the road, going from San Diego to Seattle, then back to Indiana with numerous stops along the way
Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 6:57 am
by Mr Wallstreet
Stocky Boy wrote:Obviously it couldn't have been the same as when a few euros and a canuck are with you, but nice going guys. Sounds like you had fun!
Did you both come in and leave from Penn station?
Of course hanging with Sandman wasn't the same as hanging with you. For one, he didn't take 40 minutes in the bathroom

but it was still fun all around.
Sandman arrived and left in the city via Penn Station. I came in through the local metro.
Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 6:58 am
by Mr Wallstreet
Tragic Angelus wrote:No, I live in Indiana. And we're spending about 10 days on the road, going from San Diego to Seattle, then back to Indiana with numerous stops along the way
Which one of you is going to pretend to be Hal Jordan and which one is going to be Oliver Queen?