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San Diego Comic-Con
Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 11:36 am
by Mr Wallstreet
Kicked off yesterday.
Meek and Junkogen are there. Much fun is being had.
Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 3:42 pm
by jedispyder
We've been following it on Twitter, with Edbert and I getting annoyed at the meek Mic

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 3:48 pm
by wolf_2099
Getting annoyed how?
That's really funny.
Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 6:57 pm
by Tragic Angelus
not so much as annoyed as Jealous and upset from me.
he walked past Geoff Johns 3 times without stopping to say hello. WHO DOES THAT?!?!?!?!
Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 10:31 pm
by wolf_2099
Tragic Angelus wrote:
he walked past Geoff Johns 3 times without stopping to say hello. WHO DOES THAT?!?!?!?!
He freaked out when we tried to get him to talk to Jim Lee, don't be surprised.
Jim Lee was alone at the time, too.
Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 1:32 pm
I hear there shall be pics.
If we can't get pics of Jess meeting Mitch, hopefully, pics of Meek? meeting Junk will make their way to us.
Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 2:43 pm
by Stocky Boy
I wonder what panels and shit they've seen. Newsarama is non stop reporting lots of film panels.
What did you guys get signed by Johns?
I bought the Green Lantern: No Fear trade while I was there and got that signed. Only got it signed because one of you guys mentioned he was just finishing a signing. When I got there no one was standing around him. Too easy! I'm guessing everyone was told that was it by the DC staff and gave the man some space.
Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 12:01 am
by Tragic Angelus
XIII wrote:...hopefully, pics of Meek? meeting Junk will make their way to us.
Taken out of context, this makes my day
Hopefully we'll get some pics. Got some updates from him via the web a few times, but also was getting them from the creators themselves thanks to Twitter, and I checked CBR and Newsarama almost every other day. I'm sure he'll have a story or two for us to hear.
Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 1:24 am
On a side-note, this con was shit when it comes to announcement.
Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 2:33 pm
by Mr Wallstreet
Tragic Angelus wrote:
he walked past Geoff Johns 3 times without stopping to say hello. WHO DOES THAT?!?!?!?!
I think we did that a few times.
And you should be fair; it's
only Geoff Johns. It's not like it's anyone interesting or anything

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 2:38 pm
by Mr Wallstreet
Stocky Boy wrote:Newsarama is non stop reporting lots of film panels.
What did you guys get signed by Johns?
I bought the Green Lantern: No Fear trade while I was there and got that signed. Only got it signed because one of you guys mentioned he was just finishing a signing. When I got there no one was standing around him.
I got nothing signed by Johns. I was content to just meet him.
I hear Junk made a beeline for the World of Warcraft panel/booth but was crushed when he realized it wouldn't be there this year.
Has anyone watched any of the videos or articles newsarama has posted? Theres a ton of stuff. I've skimmed a few articles, specifically the one about DCU Online; y'know the one Jim Lee has been working on since time began
But other than that, I haven't watched any of the videos at all and most of the articles I skip. I'm sure the coverage they're providing is great but I just can't be bothered to wade through all of it.
Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 2:45 pm
by Tragic Angelus
I haven't watched any of the videos, but I did go through the DCU Panel, Blackest Night Panel, Geoff Johns and Matt Fraction interviews/panels, and the Dark Horse one for some Buffy highlights.
I need to watch the Didio 20 Questions video for the newest installment.
Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 7:06 am
by Mr Wallstreet
Whedon's upcoming projects look interesting. I may check a few of them out. As far as all the other announcements go, nothing really caught my eye. Mostly it was all the major companies promototing their next big events claiming earth shattering consequences after which nothing will ever be the same...Again.
Nothing wrong with them marketing their events, its just after all these non-stop mega-events, I'm left pretty desensitized to them.
Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 12:01 pm
by wolf_2099
Mr Wallstreet wrote:Whedon's upcoming projects look interesting. I may check a few of them out. As far as all the other announcements go, nothing really caught my eye. Mostly it was all the major companies promototing their next big events claiming earth shattering consequences after which nothing will ever be the same...Again.
And they describe them all the same way.
The only somewhat interesting things I have seen come from them is the lack of mutants, which hasn't eveen seemed to change anything for me, since there still seem to be plenty running around.
And Norman Osbourne taking over, neither really changed things a whole lot, or were enough payoff for the hype.