Goddamn I'm hot in that pic. Seriously, I should win just for having the smokin' hot body of a 16 year old Disney pop princess. Alas, that's not the way these things work. Thus the war between the Catholics and the Jews begin anew (RHYME!):
William McDert
Intro Song
Mick: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YOEO7jtIs4
Jew: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDHL-qX61CQ
Annoying Catch Phrase They'd Use If They Starred In A Sitcom
Mick: Tie between "Top o' the mornin' ta ya!" and "Now where's me Lucky Charms?"
Jew: I'm soooooooo hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh!
Deep Dark Secret
Mick: More German than Irish and possibly mixed with some French Canadian.
Jew: Hardly gets high any more. Stupid college and responsibility.
Loves Life Because...
Mick: I'm makin' money, bitches!
Jew: I'm gettin' head, bitches!
Hates Life Because...
Mick: No hookers to spend said money on.
Jew: There's no emotional attachment to the head.
Celebrity They Resemble
Mick: John Stockton

Jew: Hellboy 1 Monster Thing

Finishing Move
Mick: Continuously mocking people with threads that hide his own insecurity.
Jew: Not calling you the following day. Otherwise it wouldn't be a one night stand, now would it? YOU SAID I WAS DIFFERENT FROM THE OTHER GIRLS! WE SHARED SOMETHING SPECIAL!!!