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I Return

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 10:15 pm
by Tragic Angelus
From a rather eventful week away.

I got to return again this year as a counselor for Hoosier Boys State, and just got home a few hours ago.

Right after the kids arrived on Sunday, my assistant dean who is in charge of me and the 3 other counselors for my building/county woke up in the middle of the night with kidney stones so I took him to the hospital. He ended up going home and I became the interim AD. So for a full week I got to be in charge of all 75 kids semi-officially rather than just supervising them. I also taught them in county schools, where they learn about and become the Indiana State government.

Well, we ended up getting one kid into a second round of interviews for a major scholarship and a chance to go to Boys Nation in DC as 1 of 100 boys in the country who go. He didn't get the scholarship, but he got the 2nd spot to go to Boys Nation from Indiana, as 2 go from each state but Hawaii (DC usually sends 2 in their place). So we were thrilled. I've never had a kid go from my county, let alone when I was the acting AD. We were really really thrilled. Add that to the best group of kids I've had there and it was a great week.

Left today to head to Summit City Con in Fort Wayne on the way home and got some more artwork. I went to get just a few sketches from one artist and walked away buying about 4x more than I wanted, but I love everything I got. It's all really fantastic. They're up on fbook if you want to check them out.

So how was everyone's week?

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 10:52 am
by Mr Wallstreet
Hurrah for being a positive, socially upstanding citizen who is giving back to the community. I hope those kids manage to score some great internships and jobs in the coming months and years. Great going on getting the one kid 2nd place scholarship. It's nothing to sneeze at

Sorry to hear about the Dean catching kidney stones; I hear they can be almost murder-like with the excruciating pain. I hope he is doing better and has passed them.

Now tell us about Summit City! Immediately

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:55 pm
by Tragic Angelus
Yeah I'm very glad to have one kid go to Nation, and hope he does amazing there. He was a really great kid and deserves it, so I hope to hear it runs for and wins a federal office while there.

He was definitely in some pain but a few days later said he passed them. Still, I definitely don't want to ever have to pass one from the looks and sounds of that.

Summit City wasn't too bad. It was entirely creator based, with about 3-4 vendors there. Didn't talk to too many big names. Hung with Katie Cook as she finished up my X-Men page, got a fantastic Kitty Pryde and Lockheed done by Adam Withers, and an amazing Lex Luthor piece by Caanan White. We also hung out with Raf Nieves and Dan Dougherty who are two of our guests for life at the KOKOMO CON, and Dan did a great Black Bolt for me.

I went around talking to people inviting them to our Con as well, including Jason Howard, the artist on Astounding Wolf-Man and Super Dinosaur, Jenny Frison who has done a lot of cover work it seems for IDW, Image, and a few others (and who is a major hottie as well), and then Four Star Press who represents and includes Mike Norton.

Had a good time, but spent probably 2-3x the amount I wanted to when it came to art. But I'm very glad I did, as the Luthor and Kitty pieces were just amazing.