Alright, these guys have been fighting over which super chick they'd rather be in the first BX draft. Meanwhile the men watched on in shame and disgust. At least now we can debate who'd win if they had to duke it out over the final female character in existence to live out their lives!
Tragic Angelus
Mr. Wallstreet
Intro Song
Ed: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrV0c9ETnWo
Wally: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cDWPvhiPWg
Chick he wish he could be
Ed: Buffy
Wally: Any woman willing to let men shove dollar bills in her mouth...so basically Paris Hilton
Number of posts each day
Ed: Depends on who's talking about DC or Joss Whedon
Wally: As much as it takes to beat Junkogen
Deep dark secret
Ed: Found Joss Whedon's X-Men work lacking
Wally: Treats hookers with respect
Reason you wouldn't want him in charge of your job's union
Ed: Awww...he too young to work!
Wally: Would instantly turn corrupt.
Finishing move
Ed: Forever staying 12 years of age
Wally: Destroying the economy