BX Cave New York ComicCon Meet up # The Third

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Mr Wallstreet
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BX Cave New York ComicCon Meet up # The Third

Post by Mr Wallstreet »

Today we had our third annual BX meet up. And it was teh Fun.

I had requested today off so I mostly hung around Manhattan killing time with various friends and co-workers until the Foreigners arrived. At 4:50 I recieved a call from Arn & Andy stating that they had landed at JFK & would be arriving at Grand Central Station within 40 minutes and that Mitch & Natascha would be there as well.

Not having anything better to do I walked to Grand Central from where I was hanging out and got there a little past 5 and waited. And waited, and waited and waited and waited and waited and waited for Arn, Andy, Mitch & Natascha to arrive. I had waited a good 30 minutes walking around. Then my phone began to ring and it was Mitch calling me asking me where I was. I looked across the street and saw a rather tall guy standing by the main doors of Grand Central with a woman who was waving very excitedly. Mitch & Natascha had made contact. I crossed and made my introduction with my Mitch & Natascha.

Both Mitch & Natascha were/are extremely nice and fun people. As we waited for Arn & Andy to arrive, Mitch & Natascha told me about their trip so far; visiting DC, shopping, sight seeing, comic hunting, their life back home, friends they were visiting with and plans for the following day. While we waited and chatted I took a few quick pics with my iphonw & then a few proper pics with my camera. We asked one of the street vendors who was selling newspapers. I gave him my camera and asked him if he could take a pic of all 3 of us. The vendor had no clue what a digital camera was and began turning around, and back & forth before he finally realized how to work it.

After we finally got the vendor to take the picture (for which we thanked him for) it was a little bit past 6. Arn & Andy were over a half an hour late. As we were taking some more pictures we got ambushed by a Frenchman and his wily sidekick: an Englishman. After getting our his and hellos out of the way, it was decided that everyone would head back to the B&B that the guys had booked. Cameron hadn't arrived yet because his flight wasn't due to arrive till around 7ish. So as we were walking to the train station Arn explained that the reason he was so late in getting to Grand Central to meet us was because he was running on Jim Lee time so technically he wasn't late at all. :D

When you get to the train station you have to buy a train ticket or "metro card" as we call it which you swipe through a turnstile to get onto the train platform. Now this is rather dickish of me but I watched in glee as Andy swiped his card and as he was passing through the turnstile, in true touristy fashion, he got stuck in the turnstile. If I had had my phone in my hand at that moment I would've taken a picture, alas, I did not. And then later on as we were exiting the train, Arn and his suitcase got stuck in the turnstile and Andy dickishly laughed at him. I believe Andy's words as he was watching Arn dislocate himself from the turnstile were: "Look at him struggle, look at him struggle" Andy = Sadist ;)

On the train we all chatted some more and Natascha increased her cool factor by dropping some serious Star Wars references during our ride down to the guys B&B spots. The B&B spot that Arn, Andy, Mitch & Natascha are staying at is very nice & has a very cozy feel to it. The guys are on the 2nd two floors of the apartment building and each person has their own space.

After we dumped off the stuff at the apartment we waited for Cam. Now apparently it seems as though whenever I am inside the B&B building the guys are staying at, I have 0 reception. Seriously, in the middle of Manhattan, every time I go into this one building the bars on my phone drop down to nothing...which is why I didn't get the several text messages and voice mails that Cameron sent me asking me where I was and if I met up with anyone. Eventually Cameron made his way to the B&B spot and we all met up.

At this point please bear in mind that from the moment Mitch, Natascha & I met up with Arn & Andy, we had been holding Mitch back from getting something to eat because we all wanted to get something together. The entire time we were waiting for Cameron to arrive, Mitch was ready to leap out the window, DareDevil style and devour the first bit of food in sight. So when Cam finally arrived we went to a local restaurant called 5 Guys where we all ordered burgers, sandwiches and fries and all caught up to speed on what everyone was up to. All in all it was a great meal.

After dinner we walked around for a bit at which point I fell from grace in Andy's eyes. We were all walking down the street and Andy asked me if we were going north or south and I responded (quite confidently) that we were headed south, then I stopped myself because I realized we were walking towards the Empire State building which is north and leads uptown. Andy of course, being Andy took a few potshots at my lack of instantaneous geographic knowledge of Manhattan which I had to take because he had a point. I have a tendency to get turned around very quickly when I exit a building.

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Post by Mr Wallstreet »

After we had walked for about 10 minutes Mitch wanted to know if any comic shops were still open (it was about 9pm at this point) and then, unbelievably, for the second time that night - in the middle of the street no less - I had no reception on my phone. 0 bars again; which brought me more shame in front of my peers. So Cam called up I can't remember who and I think we decided to forgo visiting comic shops and try to find a bar which we did.

Also, on the way to a bar, Natascha found out that one of her favorite bands would be headlining at a club not too far from the B&B place on saturday night, so thats where she will be come saturday.

At the bar, we all managed to find a table and spent the next hour or so talking comics, economics & politics and laughing it up. Overall it was a great end to a great evening. At that point we all noticed Arn began zoning in and out of conversations and that at any moment he was going to keel over and collapse. And unfortunately for me, I was the one he was going to collapse ontop so we all decided to call it a night around 11pm. I walked with the guys back to their apartment bade them farewell for the night.

I shall see them tomorrow morning for a full day of sight seeing, comic hunting & general shopping.

I believe there may have been more but I can't really remember it. It is now 12:45 and I am going to sleep.

Goodnight ya'll

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Mr Wallstreet
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Post by Mr Wallstreet »

P.S. Going forward I wont be posting pictures on twitter, Ill just message them to all parties. posting a pic through twitter takes for-fucking-ever

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Post by Tragic Angelus »

Glad everyone got in safely and everything's off to a good start! I got the pictures from the subway today and it looks like everyone's having a fun time! Can't wait until everything kicks off even more in the next few days!

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Post by Sandman »

Glad Everyone had a great time! I am working tonight but will be in the city tommorow!

is there any word one way or the other if I can crash at the B& B? if not it is no big deal I just don't want to park somewhere that will get me towed if I do not come back at night to get my truck.

It looks like I will be lugging around my camera again this year, though this time i do not think I will bring the case. I think I will be more prone to take the pics if I do no thave to dig the camera out every 5 minutes.

so what is on the agenda for tonight?
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Post by wolf_2099 »

We are not allowed to have guests stay the night and the owners are right below us, so I don't think we can swing it.

Also, I can sell an extra professional pass if you want tto try and come for the professional hours at 10.
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Post by Sandman »

how much? money is real tight right now.
All Will be Well!


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Mr Wallstreet
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Post by Mr Wallstreet »

BX Cave Meet up Day 2

This post won't be as long as the others because I'm omitting a lot of details due to not remembering but others can feel free to fill in the blanks or correct errors or exaggerations.

I met up with the guys at their B&B at 10:00am. The plan was to leave the place at 10 and do some shopping. So were all hanging out at the B&B (Andy, Arn, Cam, Mitch & Natascha).

As were waiting Arn tells me about an altercation they all had earlier while getting breakfast at a nearby cafe. Now I can't remember this word for word so whatever is wrong will be corrected by someone who is there. The guys were all at a local cafe getting ready to order breakfast. They're standing around one table and its very obvious that they're going to eat their meal there. As they're preparing to order, one of the other customers takes her dirty dishes, which she just finished eating off of, and placed it right on top of the table the guys were all going to eat on. It shocked everyone because it was a very rude thing to do, especially because it was very obvious that they were going to use it. So after the shock of the woman's rudeness wore off either Mitch or Arn or Andy (can't remember who) asked the woman to move it as they are going to eat there. The woman said "sorry" (though I'm told she looked like wasn't really sorry) and moved it. As she was walking away she mumbled something to the effect of "A Frenchman wouldn't behave in such a rude manner" which was directed at the guys. At which point Mitch said: Yes he would. It was actually a funnier story when they were telling it.

While everyone is getting their stuff together, Andy goes off to the toilet to take one of his patented Monster shits. Andy comes back 20 minutes later much relieved & several pounds lighter. After Andy is done taking a shit, Arnaud goes in right afterwards to take a dump. 10 minutes later Arn walks out of the bathroom with his head held down, quietly informing us that the toilet is clogged. Apparently the toilet couldn't handle two consecutive European shits because when Arn was done defecating and tried to flush, his shit came right back up to greet him.

After a bit of deliberation, laughing and more deliberation, Natascha decided to write a note to the cleaning lady informing her that the toilet was clogged. We thought it would be best if we didn't let her find out the hard way.

After that unpleasantness was taken care of, we all walked downtown so the guys (and gal) could do some shopping. We hit up the usual spots, Uniqlo, G-Star, DC store, Levi store. At the DC store Andy tried to buy a few pairs of sneakers with no luck. Every pair he wanted, they didn't have his size in. The sales rep on the floor soon also began to feel bad for him but remained a really good sport about getting Andy several pair of sneakers (none of which fit).

After we decided we were all done shopping (more or less) we all piled into 2 cabs and headed towards the Javits Center to pick up Con tickets. Michele, Natascha & myself in one cab & Andy, Arn & Cam in the other. Michele, Natascha & I arrived first (or so we thought) so we waited outside the Javits Center for the others. While we waited we took some group & individual shots of the Javits Center. Eventually while waiting we got a call from Cam informing us that they had arrived a while ago and were waiting for us.

After going inside, meeting up with the others & collecting our regular tickets we waited to see if Cam would be able to come through with his exhibitor passes. And boy did he. Cam got all of us Exhibitor passes which allowed us access into the Con while they were still setting everything up. So all of us began walking through the Con during set up time. It was an amazing experience (especially since we didn't have to sneak in like we usually do). We saw construction workers, Javits staff members & various other employees & volunteers setting up panels, booths, artist alley; we saw comic book sellers getting their stock ready. Cam then introduced us to the person who scored him the passes and we all thanked him for the gesture. The guy (Oscar) also gave us a good tip on a good pizzeria (which I want to try before we all leave) called Carmine's.


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Post by Mr Wallstreet »

Then Oscar gave us some really good news: He said, as people with Exhibitor passes we could do shopping now at any location inside the Javits Center. This was magnificent news to us because it meant we could get our shopping done quicker and in peace rather than have to deal with a 80,000+ other people also looking for the same items and elbowing us out of the way. So everyone began looking for deals, trades & back issues. I managed score several of the back issues I was looking for at a fraction of what they were normally worth. Andy, Cam, Mitch & Arn all began digging through old stuff & picked up some books. Cam found some great Marvel Milestone books that we are going to try and get signed by Stan Lee.

I myself saw a guy selling trade paperbacks for 50% off. I usually buy my books from amazon at 30% off but a deal is a deal. So while looking through trades I found and brought:

Batman: Cacaphony
Batman: The Last Arkham - Out of print since 2000
Manhunter vol 4:
Batman: Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader - which everyone told me was shit after I brought it
Batman: Harley Quinn - Preludes & Knock Knock Jokes
Losers vol I & II

And I think that's it.

Regular retail price for all these books was $123; at normal 25%-30% they're about $87 + $6 for shipping = $93. I got them all for $60. Unfortunately, by that point I was flat broke and borrowed some money off the other guys to pay for it. After we had completed our shopping, at this point it was about 3:30 (we arrived at the Javits Center to pick up our tickets at 1) we went to find some something to eat.

Originally we had planned to do a quick stop off at the Javits Center to pick up our tickets & continue shopping; however the allure of wandering the Javits Center while there was no one else there besides staff & shopping proved to be a time eater. Oh and also, Mitch & Natascha also finally found the Sandman bookends...for $750. Clearly the seller was price gouging but Mitch is going to try & negotiate with the seller towards the end of the Con for a possible deal.

So Andy, Cam & I had lunch at Cafe Metro near Midtown comics & Arn, Mitch & Natascha had lunch at a Chinese place. After we finished eating, we hit up the Midtown comics in Times Square where Andy, Cam & Mitch found a few more back issues. After Midtown, Natascha went her own way & the rest of us went to the Hershey's store in Times Sq, but on the way there we all stopped off briefly at a clothing shop where Cam & Andy wanted to look around. While they looked around Arn & I sat down and had a very discussion about comics with one of the sales reps of the store. The guy was a huge Green Lantern & Geoff Johns fan and a bunch of GL items on his person (tats, rings, wallet - which I took pictures of for the benefit of Ed), afterwards we all went to the Hershey store where the guys brought candies, presumably, for their friends/co-workers & loved ones.

After the Hershey store, Mitch & Arn took the train to Jim Hanley's comic shop near the Empire State building & Andy, Cam & I cabbed it to the same shop. After a lil bit more shopping we all went back to the B&B. Andy & Cam got there first only to realize the toilet lay in its original post-shit state of cloggedness. The cleaning lady either never came, or came but left the shit clogged toilet clogged. Andy then tried to plunge it with little effect & I believe made it worse.

Cam then thought enough was enough; went in there, rolled his sleeves up took the plunger and with two long & hard strokes of his big bear arms, unclogged that toilet. His mighty Canadian bear arms sent that dirty European shit away to the void that is the NY sewer system. Afterwards, came the unpleasant work of cleaning up the shit stained innards of the toilet. Andy, having been a party to the dastardly deed of toilet clogging went out & brought bathroom cleaning supplies & Arn then had to clean the shit stained toilet bowl. So Arn, donned some plastic gloves (Dr. Midnight style) rolled up his pants and went to work cleaning the toilet. Watching Arn scrub & clean the toilet was possibly the funniest thing I'd seen in a long time. And honestly, to his credit, Arn was very meticulous & thorough about cleaning, not just the inside of the toilet bowl where a ring of shit water had formed but the vicinity outside the toilet as well on the floor.

I actually spent quite a bit of time videotaping Arn cleaning the the toilet on my iphone.

After that was all done, we gave Natascha the good news that toilet bowl was fixed. She was the happiest of all of us. All that shittiness behind us we decided to hit up the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund (CBLFD) party around Times Sq. Natascha again decided to part ways with us at that point. There were rumored to be creators at the CBLDF as well as a 30% chance of meeting Robert Kirkman. How that percentage was calculated, I have no idea.

The CBLFD bar was very crowded, there was hardly any room to stand but we all eventually found a corner to stand in & chat as well as look around for Kirkman. Arnaud spotted Paul Pope at the bar talking to someone. Pope, in real life, looked as grungy & as unkempt as his art looks on paper. After a little bit, Mitch met up with us. While we all hung around Andy, Cam & I wanted to check out the Dave & Busters party. Given that it was very close we decided to check it out & see if it was worth staying at. Arn & Mitch decided to stay at the CBLFD party. So Andy, Cam & I walked to Dave & Busters. When we got there we found that there was no party going on at all & in fact that pre-Con party had actually taken place the previous week; which we all thought was dumb given that many people who were attending the Con wouldn't be here until this week. So with Dave & Buster's turning out to be a bust (Haw Haw) we all decided to head back to the CBLFD party.

Unfortunately, at that point I had to part ways with the crew & head home as I had some things to take care of.

Over all, an extremely fun & productive day. The Exhibitor passes paid for themselves twice over just for letting us have the experience of walking around before the Con started & seeing the place as it was being set up & scoring awesome deals on books without having to fight the masses for elbow space, so kudos & many thanks to Cameran for coming through with those tix.

Hanging out with Andy, Arnaud, Cameran, Mitch & Natascha was an amazing & throughly enjoyable experience. All of them are fun, easy going & great sports about a lot of things. I look forward to deep diving at the Con with them tomorrow & can't wait. I also look forward to seeing Mike again and shooting the shit with him.

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Post by Mr Wallstreet »

Oh a few more things I forgot to mention:

When we started out the day, Mitch & Natascha had planned to go shopping with us in the morning & see some museums after 1. The amount of time we spent at the Javits Center checking out the Con set-up torpedoed any plans they had of seeing the Met, MoMa & Grand Central Station

Earlier in the day, as we were shopping, Cameran walked into the street without looking and nearly got hit by a car - only to be pulled back just in time by Natascha. I then informed Cam that he now owed Natascha a life debt. Someone else then asked if that Cam a Wookie at which point Natascha let out a Wookie-like sound. V. funny.

Later in the day, we watched as Mitch went to several banks & Western Union branches in an attempt to cash or do something or other with some money orders. Every single branch he went to wouldn't do it for some unknown reason. At the last bank we went to, as Mitch & Cam were inside the bank trying to get Mitch's m/o cashed, Andy & Arn had the most interesting & philosophical discussion on why German toilets are disgusting and 100% ergonomically unfit. Arn then stood up and used his hands to demonstrate how the German toilet is built & functions. Very amusing shit. No pun intended.

Okay, thats it for me. Time to sleep, more fun stuff tomorrow; when the Con actually starts.

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Post by XIII »

You definitely messed up the rude French people from the breakfast but since I'm on my phone as I type this, I cannot be bothered to tell the correct version.
Why did I have to wake up at 6am this morning with a bad headache/hangover?

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Post by wolf_2099 »

Sandman wrote:how much? money is real tight right now.
They were 60 I think.

We were just going to tyr and sell our old passes in line for $60, as they are 65 at the show.
"French is like anal, exotic but oh so unnecessary."

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Post by Mr Wallstreet »

Too tired today to post an extensive account of what happened, however, very quickly, met:

Jim Lee
Geoff Johns
Francis Manupaul
Jason Aaron
Mark Brooks
Darwyn Cooke
Adam Hughes
Terry & Rachel Dodson
Gail Simone
Robert Kirkman (twice)
Cameron Stewart
Garth Ennis
and maybe some more

Unfortunately, the one sig I really wanted was from Stan Lee, which I did not get. Stan Lee's free signing was so badly organized that it started late and ended early. Stan Lee's signing conflicted with the Garth Ennis signing. I thought I'd be able to get a Garth Ennis signature and rush back for Lee but alas, it was not to be. Stan Lee's signing started early and was over so quick it was shocking.

Am going to try again tomorrow to get Stan Lee's signature with Stocky.

Good night guys.

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Post by ChimeraCreative »

Batman: Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader is shit. Just so you know. I have a copy as well.:disappointed:
Image I think my siggy is haunted. Image

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Post by Mr Wallstreet »

Another extremely long night last night and I don't remember much of it save the highlight of the night: we were at a dive bar in downtown Manhattan called Milano's (same place we went last year) and the Vertigo writers came in: Jason Aaron, Brian Azzarello & a few other less important.

We briefly said hello to each other, Azzarello initially didn't recognize us (or more to the point Cameron) but eventually realized who we were. Later on Cam & Andy went up to Aaron & Azz (without Arn knowing and explained Arn's situation to them; that would be a father very soon and that this would be our last collective Con, so if they could come over and buy/have drinks with Arn we would really appreciate it. Azz & Aaron are just really great guys because, I am told, they were more than happy to join us.

Azz & Aaron both then surprised Arn by congratulating him on his impending fatherhood, & Aaron then gave him a brief bit of fatherhood advice (get some sleep while you can) and both of them brought Arn drinks. Then before we left, Arn brought a round of drinks for the Vertigo crew; the entire Vertigo crew then raised their drinks over their heads and shouted: "To Arn"

A really spectacular end, to a really spectacular day.

Congratulations Arnaud Savry!!!!

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Post by ChimeraCreative »

Oh gawd, what a night. :e2headbang:

Congrats to Arn, the luckiest BX dawg of them all. ^_^
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Post by Tragic Angelus »

That Vertigo story is absolutely amazing! That's really awesome that they did that and congratulations again to you Arn!!

I've heard a few really good stories and things over the last day, and had a great time hearing from everyone! Hope you all make it back home safe and sound and can't wait to hear more and see the photos!

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Post by Mr Wallstreet »

And it was really, really great talking to Ed. I look forward to seeing speaking to him again real soon. We know its going to happen soon because we keep getting signs in the form of NO DOUBT music playing at key moments.

So unfortunately all good things must come to an end.

The guys all left one by one. First Mitch & Natascha, then Cameron & finally Andy and Arn.

Saying goodbye to everyone was a bittersweet moment.

It'll be a lonelier Con next year and despite how packed the Con will be in the coming it won't be as full without everyone but I hope to see everyone again as soon as humanly possible

And fyi, I managed to save the iPhone so I'll upload all photos in the upcoming days due to me having a ton of errands to run. I have about a week's worth of laundry to do as well as cleaning up and tomorrow I have to go back to the Apple store to upgrade my phone

Oh and there was one moment when a dog wandered into the apartment we were staying and spooked the shit out of Arn while he was sitting on the couch.

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Post by wolf_2099 »

Holy shit, I am one tired Canadian.

Dog sledding it to school is going to suck.
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Post by The French Biscuit »


Biscuit AWAY!
Biscuit AWAY!

Your awesomeness is akin to bottling a hurricane. It cannot be done - Mr. Wallstreet

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