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Post by Junkogen »

CBKA wrote:What you think that im walking around thinking rape is an aquired taste?

I am well aware that rape is fucked up, you want to know what else is fucked up? Necrophelia yet that was in wallys sig for years and no doubt you made jokes about it a one stage or another. So whats your big problem with mine? because i used to hijack shitload of thread with arseraping jokes? get other it it was years ago
I totally agree with you. They have a double-standard, probably because Meek? wouldn't make them a banner for their sigs. Wolf for sure was always bitching about how he thought he should be in the JDC and we never let him in. And most recently, meek? was going to make a JDC-style banner for MGM because he wanted one.

Wolf now has a sig that's sexually explicit and MGM had one that said "Every couple should have porn-like sex." This is all just a big bitchy hypocrisy being spearheaded by the people that probably contribute the least amount of substance with the majority of their posts simply being postwhoring or cutesy little add-ins or non sequiturs that are the equivalent to me or anyone else making a puny joke about Wally fucking corpses, meek? breaking geriatric hips or Space Cowboy and CBKA just being a couple of silly sodomites.

You guys are just pissed because we had an inside joke going that you couldn't get in on.

And those people that left and never came back rarely posted anything of substance anyway or periodically dropped in just long enough for a couple people to blow their loads at seeing an old poster return for a New York minute. What did they ever contribute? We've got forums for any little thing you'd want to discuss and I'd rarely see them start new threads or get into any in-depth conversations with anyone. Don't blame that on a few people that happen to get along well with each other, i.e. the JDC. (And Spacey and CBKA aren't even in the JDC so their anal rape jokes have nothing to do with that.)

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Post by CBKA »

On the first point stocky i would argue that it has been toned down, i know that i have long before xsorbit bx crashed.

The old board never really had moderation because it never really needed it. Everone posted there because they enjoyed it and noone never really steped out of line. Whats so different about here that we need some bullshit rules?

Too be honest on the avatar/sig issue i couldn't care less. The shit sandwich was there because admitedly i got a cheap giggle out of it while i decided on something more perminent. It was intended to prevoke a reaction so i could have an immature laugh about it and move on.

Btw, If people want JDC sigs i dont have a problem with it, but i cant imagine it working if 1 or 2 JDC'ers decide to sport them, especially considering around 30% of BX'ers are part of the JDC. (although if there excepting new members i could be the rapey one :D :ban:)

My general feeling is nothing as too change.

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Post by CBKA »

ChimeraCreative wrote:I don't think CBKA and Major Bummer are monsters. For the most part, they've integrated well into the board. The fact that CBKA is partaking is conversations and bothering to quote people and carry on with them shows a lot of growth. It just took a long time to get there and it was a rocky road. Some folks just stay in the attention seeking 'terrible twos' phase longer than others. ^_^

(Not that I think CBKA's fully reformed from the sleaze.)

was i that bad?

maybe i was a monster:(


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Post by Junkogen »

CBKA wrote:
My general feeling is nothing has too change.

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Post by Stocky Boy »

CBKA wrote:What you think that im walking around thinking rape is an aquired taste?

I am well aware that rape is fucked up, you want to know what else is fucked up? Necrophelia yet that was in wallys sig for years and no doubt you made jokes about it a one stage or another. So whats your big problem with mine? because i used to hijack shitload of thread with arseraping jokes? get other it it was years ago
I suppose there is truth that you have calmed down a bit for some time. So perhaps it's unfair that we pull up your less tasteful posting behaviour that was very prominent a year or so ago. But, if you want people to 'get over' what you are admiting was 'hijacking of threads' perhaps you should indicate your desires for this by apologising first for that distasteful behaviour that was very irritating? This would provide a very clear indication for all of us to start a new and the 'getting over it' process can begin.

There's also really no point using arguments in the vain of, 'the behaviour is accepted when this individual does it', because there appears to be strong agreement that everyone, to a greater or lesser extent needs to show better judgement and in fact it should no longer be accepted when any posters does 'it' without sound judgement.

Perhaps what you can't see, or perhaps see as unfair finger pointing in your direction, given that many others are guilty of similar behaviour, is the following; severity and long standing credit.
Your posts were pointless hijackings or simply aggressive nonsense, while ours were, by comparison, mere derailment. We, in a sense, got away with it without any majority persecution, because our taint posts were less severe and we all have a lot of credit in the bank with lots of people prior to introducing our JDC schtick.
We should all come forward and agree to use better judgement in posts, but our 'crimes' were always less severe than yours and our 'sentences' were always minimal, because we were known, long standing, respected members of the community. Any behaviour we did that was at all similar to yours (albeit the severity) was always going to be better received by our peers.


Do we all agree in spirit to my three points in my previous post?

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William McDert
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Post by William McDert »

Get back to work you fucking retards.

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William McDert
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Post by William McDert »

I laughed really hard while typing that.

Nobody is going to change minds that don't want to be changed and it's starting to come full circle.


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Post by ChimeraCreative »

Junkogen wrote:
You guys are just pissed because we had an inside joke going that you couldn't get in on.

And those people that left and never came back rarely posted anything of substance anyway or periodically dropped in just long enough for a couple people to blow their loads at seeing an old poster return for a New York minute. What did they ever contribute?
It's really charming how he assumes everyone is jealous of the JDC.

And it's even more charming that he thinks he's worthy to rate everyone else's worth to be posting here and have opinions. Rock on, Junky, you trample our rights with your beliefs. ^_^

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Post by Junkogen »

Stocky Boy wrote: Do we all agree in spirit to my three points in my previous post?
No, because this whole board is based on pervy nerd humor. If we all agree to what you're proposing then this board ceases to be Basement X and becomes something else. Look at any new threads or posts even within the hour. People have already started talking about my mangled dick in that thread about me vs. Capitalism and notice I haven't even posted there. And that's fine, I don't care. I'm an adult. I don't know about the rest of you, but I can comfortably go to R-rated movies and not leave the theater disgusted.

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Post by ChimeraCreative »

William McDert wrote:I laughed really hard while typing that.

Nobody is going to change minds that don't want to be changed and it's starting to come full circle.

Cleaning up the board might not work, regular posters might drop off again and the full scale smut attack will rise up and over take the board. And Junky will have years of 'I told you so's'. We'll get over it. ^_^

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Post by Junkogen »

ChimeraCreative wrote:It's really charming how he assumes everyone is jealous of the JDC.

And it's even more charming that he thinks he's worthy to rate everyone else's worth to be posting here and have opinions. Rock on, Junky, you trample our rights with your beliefs. ^_^
I'm trampling your rights? How? I'm not advocating censoring anyone. You guys are. I'm just calling out the people that keep calling everyone else's contributions worthless. That's all. I'm not the one calling for regulations. So don't turn this whole thing around on me.

The majority of everyone's posts are tasteless, trite and insignificant. Who cares? That's what I'm saying. Again, before you go pointing out others' faults, take a look at your own.

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Post by IrishCream »

All I read was "Blah blah blah". Geeze reading hurts my brain. Seriously, I would never show this site to my friends, family, or imaginary g/f. Not because of the content but because the discussions would be impenetrable to them. Seriously, most of us have known each other since the WW days like 8-9 years ago? Ridiculous long time ago when you think about it. I remember Ed saying he couldn't begin to explain to his friends why he was laughing at my WHO YA GOT? thread for him and Wally. That's because half of the stuff is inside jokes. That's just how it is.

As for the restraint, I usually try to show some anyway, so I really don't feel affected by it. But I could see how an animal like Junk would be angry :)

Seriously though, saying something just because you're free to say it doesn't make it funny. When it comes up randomly and infrequently is usually when it makes me chuckle. I guess that's part of the reason why I stopped caring about the old bored: only a handful of people were posting and it was all the same crap. Didn't really feel the diversity of discussion anymore. I'm pretty sure Stocky probably expressed all of these points in one of the essays he posted on this thread.

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Post by CBKA »

Stocky Boy wrote:I suppose there is truth that you have calmed down a bit for some time. So perhaps it's unfair that we pull up your less tasteful posting behaviour that was very prominent a year or so ago. But, if you want people to 'get over' what you are admiting was 'hijacking of threads' perhaps you should indicate your desires for this by apologising first for that distasteful behaviour that was very irritating? This would provide a very clear indication for all of us to start a new and the 'getting over it' process can begin.

You admitted yourself on this very board that i wasn't the same poster as i used to be, and i think it was more than likely over 2 years ago (i didnt post for 6-9 month in 2008 i think).

Your feel i should apologise for the anal rape talk when similar stuff was prevelant throughout the board. Why?

Me going in to a thread and making a joke was no different than someone else going into a thread and making a joke about meek fucking grannys, wally boning stiffs, junks flailled member and wolf liking a shit sport (you know its true;))

The only difference was i wasn't an estabished member.

You'd have to be a fucking idiot (or a continental european with a grunge against english meatheads) to see that the anal jokes had dried up and were rarely used anymore.

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Post by Stocky Boy »

Junk -
No one is jealous of the JDC.

Ridiculously out of control toilet humour posting needs to be kept into single forums AND postwhoring needs to stop.
I'm sure the postwhores can agree to that, which then doesn't make them hypocrites, since they wouldn't be pointing out one bad behaviour and getting away with theirs.
Also, as inane as their back and forth conversation was. It didn't send people away. It's unfair to then suggest that their inane conversation should be judged in the same light as inane toilet humour posting that swept across every forum like wildfire.

All the departees, which everyone but apparantly yourself liked, were disatisfied from not wanting to post in between non stop, everywhere toilet humour posts. Something easily fixed by putting most smut posts into one forum. Precious freedom to fully express yourself is not removed from a person, if they still get to do it, albeit in one forum majoritively.

It does appear that this board is currently running in a way that's both fun for the majority of us and viewable at work. Though, I disagree that it previously satisfied work posting and was fun for all. It was not fun seeing assrape pointlessness all the time and even my back and forth with Meek and Wally was tiresome and just someone saying, "let's take a break from this stiff" in a ruling fashion would have got us more quickly to the balance we currently appear to have.

We appear to have a majority desire to do away with pervy sigs. I respect your opinion, but there's a visible desire to move towards a work respectable look.

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Post by Stocky Boy »


If you think it's wrong to have posted non stop ass-raping posts, why do you therefore not feel you owe anyone an apology?

There's a big point about the established member point that I feel you are missing. If people accept shit from me, it doesn't then mean it will be accepted from you. Fair or not, it's the established group dynamic and so your behaviour clashed with the group while mine and anyone else's didn't, because we were established. This difference is significant, which is why someone like MGM and others like me would feel you own apologies for your posts, but I likely don't. Furthermore, my posts were accepted by the majority of the board at the time, but contributed to the evacuation of others. Yours were reluctantly accepted / ignored as best as possible and largley contributed to the evacuation of others.

Suggesting I could be a 'fucking idiot' goes back to my point about you being needlessly agressive. Maybe it is a social background problem I have here. But this would be evidenced as justifiable disagreement with you right now considering the would be 'meathead' in the discussion has decided to suggest I could be a fuckng idiot, while I've stuck to crticism.

I don't know why, but Junk, possibly just through tenure seems to have enough credit in the bank not to completely rub everyone the wrong way, when he's rude. You do not have this tenure. Neither should Junk.

Irish -
Thanks for the post!
Junk and CBKA aren't likely to get anywhere with me now. The wheels spinning round and round for us. So, maybe they'll atleast hear you.

I don't know why, and I don't mean to be snidy, but I don't see why CBKA and Junk have a problem about restriction. I've just gotten back from drinks with a former work colleague. Talked normally to her and had fun. Talked normally to another former colleague and talked dick jokes non stop with him. However, with him, we both kept the conversation restricted between us and not with the entire forum. This is the judgement I expect on this board. Apparantly, most other people do to.

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Post by Junkogen »

Stocky Boy wrote:Junk -
No one is jealous of the JDC.

Ridiculously out of control toilet humour posting needs to be kept into single forums AND postwhoring needs to stop.
I'm sure the postwhores can agree to that, which then doesn't make them hypocrites, since they wouldn't be pointing out one bad behaviour and getting away with theirs.
Also, as inane as their back and forth conversation was. It didn't send people away. It's unfair to then suggest that their inane conversation should be judged in the same light as inane toilet humour posting that swept across every forum like wildfire.

All the departees, which everyone but apparantly yourself liked, were disatisfied from not wanting to post in between non stop, everywhere toilet humour posts.
You don't know that. You're just making that up. No one knows why they left. All I know is that they didn't stay long and they didn't contribute anything "of substance." And I'm not the one saying posts without substance are bad. Who gives a shit? It's a message board. Post whatever the fuck you want. And I never said I didn't like the people that left. I'm just saying that it didn't really seem like they were too in to the place to begin with. Their reasons for leaving were probably more along the lines of what Irish just said about how it just wasn't that interesting anymore. I can agree with that.

Again, I'M NOT THE ONE TRYING TO CHANGE ANYTHING. I don't think anything needs to change. Everyone seems to be able to correct themselves. Again, the people complaining are the people that should shut the fuck up and self-regulate and everything would be fine.

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Post by CBKA »

There's also really no point using arguments in the vain of, 'the behaviour is accepted when this individual does it', because there appears to be strong agreement that everyone, to a greater or lesser extent needs to show better judgement and in fact it should no longer be accepted when any posters does 'it' without sound judgement.
If "everyone" needs to show better judgment then who exactly are we offending?
Perhaps what you can't see, or perhaps see as unfair finger pointing in your direction, given that many others are guilty of similar behaviour, is the following; severity and long standing credit. Your posts were pointless hijackings or simply aggressive nonsense, while ours were, by comparison, mere derailment. We, in a sense, got away with it without any majority persecution, because our taint posts were less severe and we all have a lot of credit in the bank with lots of people prior to introducing our JDC schtick.
I see what your getting at, but i came to the board to pass time and enjoy myself. i saw the type of shit you lot wrote and before i'd even wrote a word i knew i was a good fit here. did i take to far? yeah no doubt but thats life, deal with. The only reason i got it you mentioned "severity and long standing credit" is because i was relatively new and took it further than you lot. If an established member had started some of the stuff i had (and lets be honest i only took a few threads off topic) it would have been forgten about in no time at all.
We should all come forward and agree to use better judgement in posts, but our 'crimes' were always less severe than yours and our 'sentences' were always minimal, because we were known, long standing, respected members of the community. Any behaviour we did that was at all similar to yours (albeit the severity) was always going to be better received by our peers.
really? if the old BX hadn't crashed would you have an issue?

and i disagree anything i did near the end was anymore severe than anyone else. And the fact that other posters have acknowledged that shows that.
Do we all agree in spirit to my three points in my previous post?

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Post by CBKA »

William McDert wrote:Get back to work you fucking retards.
Only if you pay me a wage

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Post by Junkogen »

CBKA wrote: really? if the old BX hadn't crashed would you have an issue?

And to get back to the people being jealous of JDC. That admittedly was an overstatement, primarily used for childish argumentative effect. What I was primarily getting at is that before the board crashed, MGM was looking forward to seeing his new sig from meek? and Wolf had always been trying to get into the JDC. So why they're all of sudden bitching about it now makes me wonder. Why is it such an issue now?

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Post by Stocky Boy »

Junkogen wrote:I'm trampling your rights? How? I'm not advocating censoring anyone. You guys are. I'm just calling out the people that keep calling everyone else's contributions worthless. That's all. I'm not the one calling for regulations. So don't turn this whole thing around on me.

The majority of everyone's posts are tasteless, trite and insignificant. Who cares? That's what I'm saying. Again, before you go pointing out others' faults, take a look at your own.
Whilst pointing out hypocrisy in others, which is only marginaly true, you appear to be ignoring/trampling over the majority opinion that action is desired with lines like "who cares?". Apparantly a lot of people do!

You're not just calling people out. You're pretending a large majority aren't saying they want these restrictions.

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