Moving is a hassle

You know what to do!

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Post by jedispyder »

You know what's a bitch? Moving out of a shared house when the other person living there is completely avoiding you and still has some of your stuff. That's a bitch, lol. Still no clue why they switched PS2s, glad I found out about it before it was too late...

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Post by Python »

wolf_2099 wrote:How little do you own?
I don't think I can fit in a Hyundai Elantra?
Let's see here... I had all of my clothes, which were in 2-3 giant trash bags, my desk (collapsible legs), my computer, my fax machine (big fuckin' thing that it was), some dishes/cups/etc. and an inflatable bed. Other than that, I owned about 10 framed pictures of musical artists, my USMC duffel bag w/ uniforms inside, and my three long white boxes of comics.

All of which fit into my car pretty easily.

[Edit:] I'm forgetting the random little crap I had, like previous tax records, my diploma, birth certificate, etc.
MGM wrote:One day, I will find you, defeat you, dress you up in capris and then take photos of you. :mad:

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The French Biscuit
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Post by The French Biscuit »

I own wayyy too much stuff. Especially books, I'm going to have to buy or build a new set of bookshelves to accommodate all my books. :-X

<--is still moving things around. X-P
Biscuit AWAY!

Your awesomeness is akin to bottling a hurricane. It cannot be done - Mr. Wallstreet

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