Where is Everyone During the Day?

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Where is Everyone During the Day?

Post by ChimeraCreative »

I'm so lonely... :bigcry:
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Mr Wallstreet
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Post by Mr Wallstreet »

I'm at a little place called work.

But to be fair, that hardly ever stops me from posting.

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Post by Sandman »

today I am free all day! Feel free to call if you want! :banana2:

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Post by jedispyder »

Lets see, today I have been:
9:30-11:10 at class
11:10-11:30 lunch at Brueggers Bagels (nummy Cuban Chicken on a Asiago Parmesean Softwich with a Naked Mighty Mango)
11:30-12:30 getting new comics and reading a few in the parking lot
12:30-12:55 Blockbuster renting movies (Repo! The Genetic Opera, Hell Ride, JCVD, The Darwin Awards)
now I'm home, soon to maybe read new comics or watch one of the movies or read Girl, Interrupted or take a nap

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William McDert
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Post by William McDert »

8:00 am - 2:00 PM, Class.
2:20 PM - 3:30 PM, Nap.
4:00 - 5:00, Michael's to get paint.
The rest of the day, painting! I hope anyway.

Here is my proof that I'm in class, drinking my drinks to stay awake!


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Tragic Angelus
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Post by Tragic Angelus »

Today it was

10.10-11 am : Class/Exam
11.15-12.05 pm: Class
12.20-1.10 pm: Class/Exam
1.10-1.40: Bus/Walking home

And that's every MWF..

I still need to go pay rent, maybe buy comics, then I have to do homework, start a group project, and go to a group meeting later tonite. possibly another one.

Then tomorrow I have class from 1-4! YAY!

In other words, I'm generally in class for a good 3 solid hours straight a day, and cap that with meetings and homework avoidal.

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Post by wolf_2099 »

I`ve been in Montreal.
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Post by CBKA »

im using knocking about round here. My day starts before yours though :( (unless ive been drinking the nightbefore :D)

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Post by Fasheem »

Today it was:

4:50am, the day begins - I am at my friend's place
5:55am, I leave my friend's apartment that I live in and begin the trip to work
8:00am, I get to my office, I stay there for one hour
9:00am, I have 2.5 hours of class! (2 fifteen min breaks)
12:00 noon, I have another 1.25 hours of class
1:30-3:00pm, in my office
3:00pm, I'm in class again
3:30pm, let them go early, leave work
5:00pm, back where I started

It's all completely irrelevant to the thread though because my day doesn't happen at the same time as yours. :D But I wanted to share.

Most days it looks more like this:

4:50am, the day begins - I am at my friend's place
5:55am, I leave my friend's apartment that I live in and begin the trip to work
8:00am, I get to my office, I stay there for one hour
9:00am, I have one class - it is 75 min
10:30-3:00, sitting in my office, maybe going to eat some food
3:00pm, another 75 min class
4:30, go home
ⓒ had to change it cause the caps were driving me nuts but still don't post any of this on Facebook 'kay

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Post by Tyran-ne »

I go tah work in the morning whenever I want then I leave whenever they want.
Guess it evens out. :snore:

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Post by CBKA »

Today it was an early start.

10:30AM:Wake up
11:20AM sign on
Rest of the day: this and that.

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Post by jedispyder »

I'm sitting at home sick as fuck, this time around add on a fever. Looks like I'll be staying home tonight =o/ At least I'll be seeing Watchmen at midnight still...

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Post by ChimeraCreative »

jedispyder wrote:I'm sitting at home sick as fuck, this time around add on a fever. Looks like I'll be staying home tonight =o/ At least I'll be seeing Watchmen at midnight still...
Damn straight! You be that dick that passes on his virus to as many people as possible. You can cripple the nerd population in Cincy in three hours with just a few well placed hacking coughs. :smartass2:
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Post by Stocky Boy »

My day usually involves getting up earlier than most people to get the train to London.

06:15 Up.
07:15 Leave to get train.
08:18 Arrive in London. Time to get a pace on and negotiate slow bastard walkers!
08:45 At work. Now grumpy and not prepared to get straight down to work, like I thought I would. Zig zagging around the inconsiderate pedestrians for over 20 minutes has set me up for being angry all day.
09:30 Probably still looking at emails, newsites, facebook or whatever.
10:00 Might still be doing the same shit I was doing at 08:45 through to 09:30 :D
Lunch around 12:30 - one hour, spend time with colleagues having a laugh, but also feeling contempt for them - naturally. ;)
17:30 End of day. Probably spent the last 20 minutes rewarding myself with more net time.

Between 10:00 to 17:30 is a combination of work, hectic ad-hoc work, project work, goofing, bizarre conversations, reading silly emails from colleagues and boss (mainly boss actually), attending meetings and just flicking back and forth between the internet and something work related.

On really hectic weeks, I may get in for 07:00.

Today, I had an amazing salt beef, gherkin and spinich sandwich! Killed an hour and a bit at some training course and obviously killed off a number of minutes taking a shit - naturally!

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Post by jedispyder »

Shit, eveyone in Cincy is sick right now! Seriously, I know of at least 15 friends who have the bug or have just gotten over it...

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Post by wolf_2099 »

Stocky Boy wrote:My day usually involves getting up earlier than most people to get the train to London.

06:15 Up.
06:16-0700 Take a stocky.
07:15 Leave to get train.
08:18 Arrive in London. Time to get a pace on and negotiate slow bastard walkers!
08:45 At work. Now grumpy and not prepared to get straight down to work, like I thought I would. Zig zagging around the inconsiderate pedestrians for over 20 minutes has set me up for being angry all day.
09:30 Probably still looking at emails, newsites, facebook or whatever.
10:00 Might still be doing the same shit I was doing at 08:45 through to 09:30 :D
Lunch around 12:30 - one hour, spend time with colleagues having a laugh, but also feeling contempt for them - naturally. ;)
17:30 End of day. Probably spent the last 20 minutes rewarding myself with more net time.

Between 10:00 to 17:30 is a combination of work, hectic ad-hoc work, project work, goofing, bizarre conversations, reading silly emails from colleagues and boss (mainly boss actually), attending meetings and just flicking back and forth between the internet and something work related.

On really hectic weeks, I may get in for 07:00.

Today, I had an amazing salt beef, gherkin and spinich sandwich! Killed an hour and a bit at some training course and obviously killed off a number of minutes taking a shit - naturally!
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Post by Stocky Boy »

Yeah, get acquainted to the routine Wolf!

Not long until the cold, hard reality of the working world ensnarls you in its depressing net. :D
I'll make sure I'm there when it happens. :)

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Post by ChimeraCreative »

Stocky Boy wrote:Yeah, get acquainted to the routine Wolf!

Not long until the cold, hard reality of the working world ensnarls you in its depressing net. :D
I'll make sure I'm there when it happens. :)
*immune* :laugh4:

*... bored and lonely* :banghead:
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Post by ChimeraCreative »

jedispyder wrote:I'm sitting at home sick as fuck, this time around add on a fever. Looks like I'll be staying home tonight =o/ At least I'll be seeing Watchmen at midnight still...
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Post by jedispyder »

I knew one of these days my cats would try to suck out my soul.

>>shakes head and continues petting the cats<<

So that's why you keep sitting on my leg as I sleep, you're just biding your time...

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