Yeah, I was quite surprised as well. In my mind it was always a 50-50 situation, will he be apprehended/killed or not. I suppose the other reason why it's a surprise is that unlike with Saddam, the capture was rapid. This has been really quite slow in comparison and updates fell off of the news feed for a long time.
Anyway, I'd rather have seen him apprehended, put on trial, pumped for information, possibly water boarded every morning and evening etc. However, between the options of dead or alive, I think dead's better. Here's hoping a mad power vacuam doesn't result in some awful follow up acts of terrorism.
I felt with each passing year the likliehood of catching Bin Laden got smaller and smaller given that major White House officials seemingly stopped being so proactive about catching him and focused more on stabilizing Iraq and everything else so when Bin Laden was finally killed, it came out of left field.
I also commend Obama for breaking the news in a somber and serious manner, unlike Donald Rumsfeld who gleefully announced to the world how they caught Hussein.
On the issue of killing Bin Laden vs capturing him; either situation has its pros & cons. Capturing & imprisoning him would have helped the U.S. regain some more credibility on a global scale, provided some semblance of justice as well as given them a high value prisoner with lots of information. Unfortunately it may also have given Bin Laden a Nelson Mandela like status among the fanatics and rallied them even more and a death behind bars certainley would have made him a martyr. However, his death will definitely have the same effect in terms of enraging his followers in various extemist factions in the short term.
On killing him...well there is not much to say. He is dead, the U.S. lost the opportunity to put him on trial for war crimes and extract information from him, the crazies will certainley try and coordinate reprisal assaults (of which I am hoping none come to fruition). But long term, perhpas this will help qwell some of the unrest among the fringe lunatics.