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Post by Goshin »


off to buy X-Men Fovever #1, a sack of weed, and callin up some chick for birthday sex...

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Post by XIII »

I share my birthday with you? Damn it!

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Post by MGM »

I noticed that, yes. :D

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Post by Mr Wallstreet »

Happy Birthday Goshin!
XIII wrote:I share my birthday with you? Damn it!

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Post by The French Biscuit »

Happy Birthday to you both. :D Image Image
Biscuit AWAY!

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Post by CountD »

I was gonna start you a thread.then I saw you already did...LoL!

Happy Birthday, Goshe

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Post by Sandman »

Happy Birthday man!

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Post by Goshin »


yo XIII u forget we always got the same birthday! its been what like 8 years now?

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Post by Tragic Angelus »

happy belated birthday!!

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Post by Python »

Happy birthday, bro. Let us know how X-Men Forever is, please. =o)
MGM wrote:One day, I will find you, defeat you, dress you up in capris and then take photos of you. :mad:

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Post by Goshin »

X-Men Forever is da SHIT! claremont is trying to make a point by saying you dont need wolverine for a good story by killing him off the first issue i know this series is going to be good.

and we find out in the next few issues that storm is still a kid, and the storm from x-tinction agenda on up is a fake!?!

kitty is still 15

rogue still has ms marvel powers

beast is still in his 1970-2001 gorilla form

perfect x-book

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Post by MGM »

He's not making a point, his intention was always to have a period without Wolverine and then bring him back as an assassin of the Hand.

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Post by Python »

Spoilers! =oP

I don't know why Kitty would be fifteen. I thought she was in her early 20's when he left. Did they specifically say that was her age?
MGM wrote:One day, I will find you, defeat you, dress you up in capris and then take photos of you. :mad:

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Post by MGM »

Kitty in her early 20's in the 90's? I figured her more in her early 20's when Whedon took on Astonishing X-Men, to be honest.

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Post by Tragic Angelus »

yea, she would have to be. I mean, when Colossus died and she left for awhile she made reference to no longer being a teenage I thought, so I've had her in her early 20s for a little while now.

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Post by Python »

Seriously, she was 13 way back in the 70's and she's only 15 in the 90's? o.O

I understand that time passes more slowly in the marvel universe, but c'mon, lol.
MGM wrote:One day, I will find you, defeat you, dress you up in capris and then take photos of you. :mad:

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Post by Goshin »

Python wrote:Seriously, she was 13 way back in the 70's and she's only 15 in the 90's? o.O

I understand that time passes more slowly in the marvel universe, but c'mon, lol.

ive actually got a wierd way of tracking time in the MU, or the x-universe at least: by the christmas stories and the ages of some of the characters mentioned

colossus was 17 and nightrawler was 18 or 19 when they joined

it was stated that storm was bornb in 1951 (back in 1976) making her 25 when she joined, explaining her maturity level and complete control of her powers

1st christmas story: fighting steven lang and the sentinels

a year later:

2nd christmas story: x-men battle moses magnum and banshee loses his powers

jean grey was born in 1956 and died in 1980, making her 24

a few months later a 13 yr old kitty joins the team

nightcrawler gets blown up on his 21st birthday and sent to dante's hell. kurt wagner will always be 7 years older than kitty.

3rd christmas story: kitty fights the brood on christmas

kitty turns 14 while team is in outer space

new mutants come along. cannonball is 16 and the oldest one

rogue joins the team, and a few issues later she says she is 18. rogue is 4 years older than kitty pryde

when logan peter and kurt hit the bar (back when the drinking age was 18) before the juggernaut fight colossus says he is nearly 20. so from 1975 to 1984 only 3 years pass in the marvel universe.

so at this point

Kitty -14
Nightcrawler - 22
Rogue - 18
Colossus - 20
Storm - 27
Jean (dead)- 25
Cannonball - 16

4th christmas story: a few issues later xavier is beaten by some dudes on the street and saved by the morlocks on christmas eve.

uncanny x-men 143-192 or so take place over the course of one year

then come the massacre and fall of the mutants and the next christmas story

uncanny x-men 230 longshot goes trippy by touching stuff

x-men 192-230 another year

in an old excalibur comic around this time kitty says she is 15 about to be 16

the events from uncanny x-men 251 thru the start of x-tinction agenda (around 270) take place over the course of only a couple of weeks

from the time gambit joins the team up until uncanny 281/x-men #1-3 has only been a few weeks and in x-men forever #1 jean says barely a month ago professor x could walk

so a few years in our time are only a few months for the MU

and to make things interesting.....

in uncanny #502 or whenever the new mutants are getting drunk at the bar and cannonball pulls out his id he was born in october of 1987 making him 21 now

that means....

kitty - 19 or 20 when she "died"
nightcrawler - 27
rogue - 23
colossus - 25
storm - 32
jean grey (dead again) - 30
cannonball - 21

but since the drinking age is 21 now, and if colossus was of drinking age when he fought jugglenuts at the bar, u could either add 3 years to his age and make him nearl 2 years above drinking age or say he snuck in. but since wolverine once got cannonball loaded up in a bar a few years later and fought juggernaut around wolverine #90 or so and storm got mad cuz he was still underage, then u can just leave colossus at 20 when he fought juggernaut in uncanny #183

magneto and xavier were both originally old men

mags was turned into a baby and erik the red brought him back to adulthood

un uncanny #200 in court they said that he should be way older but is only in his mid-30's with grey hair like his son. later writers forgot about this and grant morisson made him a senile old man.....

xavier was cloned a new body that he still lives in to this day putting him in his 30's when he should be in his 70s or 80s

wolverine was born in the 1890s, not the 1840's like the movie

mystique and destiny were about the same age, but shapeshifting de-ages u when u do it a lot so mystique looks like she is in her 30s while destiny died an old fart.

with jean being dead miltiple times for multiple years, u can say that she is at least 4 or 5 years younger than she should be. so while the older x-men are in their late 20s' early 30s, jean would still be in her early 20s physically

storm was only a kid for a few weeks and returned to her rightful age

all this shit been in my head for years and its complicated, if anybody has more info or ages of characters at certain points in marvel history let me know

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Post by Tragic Angelus »

.....you have put way.. way too much thought into all that...

but if your math all adds up, kudos on a timeline. They always retcon ages and time flow through dialogue, so it's hard to really keep track.

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Post by MGM »

One Marvel year is roughly 3 of our years. At least, that's the idea. Aaand... that actually makes sense for Kitty's age. If she was 13 in the 70's, she should be i nher early 20's right now. And that seems to fit.

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Post by Goshin »

MGM wrote:One Marvel year is roughly 3 of our years. At least, that's the idea. Aaand... that actually makes sense for Kitty's age. If she was 13 in the 70's, she should be i nher early 20's right now. And that seems to fit.
which is true. in the MU its only been about ten years os so since the fantastic 4 the avengers and the x-men was formed. if everything was in real time franklin richard's teenage son would be in the next generation FF by now

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