Air #1-3 (Spoilers)
Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 8:59 pm
Another series I decided to pick up at the Con and it's the second series I'm reading that is not among the usual "type" of books that I read (re: magical/weird).
AIR takes place in a post 9-11 world where we meet a seemingly normal everyday flight attendant named Blythe.
On a routine flight, Blythe meets a man named Javad. Javad is not his real name but one of several aliases he using. At first he is suspected to be a terrorist but it is revealed he is not.
We learn this because the next time Blythe meets Javad he is not dressed in middle-eastern garb but a business suit and is posing as an American. At this Blythe is not at all sure what to make of him but wants nothing to do with him or whatever he is involved in.
Another man named Benjamin Lancaster introduces himself to Blythe. Lancaster is representing an organization called the Estian Front. The gentleman's attitude towards perceived middle-easterners is obvious and tries to recruit Blythe. Blythe, though initially hesitant eventually decides to help them with a small favor by transporting a briefcase for them after his organizations quiets a scuffle aboard her plane. Transporting the briefcase soon becomes her first mistake.
Blythe becomes involved in a seemingly vast conspiracy; something far bigger than herself or the parameters of the "normal world" as she sees it. We learn that Lancaster has been tracking the man called Javad for some time because he has something his organization (The Estian Company) want. We don't yet know who Javad really is, who he is working for or what this object is that Javad is transporting.
Issue 2 & 3 is where things start to really get strange. Javad is being held prisoner in a country that doesn't exist and by using the power of belief/faith/will Blythe is able to find it & (unknowingly) help Javad escape.
AIR takes place in a post 9-11 world where we meet a seemingly normal everyday flight attendant named Blythe.
On a routine flight, Blythe meets a man named Javad. Javad is not his real name but one of several aliases he using. At first he is suspected to be a terrorist but it is revealed he is not.
We learn this because the next time Blythe meets Javad he is not dressed in middle-eastern garb but a business suit and is posing as an American. At this Blythe is not at all sure what to make of him but wants nothing to do with him or whatever he is involved in.
Another man named Benjamin Lancaster introduces himself to Blythe. Lancaster is representing an organization called the Estian Front. The gentleman's attitude towards perceived middle-easterners is obvious and tries to recruit Blythe. Blythe, though initially hesitant eventually decides to help them with a small favor by transporting a briefcase for them after his organizations quiets a scuffle aboard her plane. Transporting the briefcase soon becomes her first mistake.
Blythe becomes involved in a seemingly vast conspiracy; something far bigger than herself or the parameters of the "normal world" as she sees it. We learn that Lancaster has been tracking the man called Javad for some time because he has something his organization (The Estian Company) want. We don't yet know who Javad really is, who he is working for or what this object is that Javad is transporting.
Issue 2 & 3 is where things start to really get strange. Javad is being held prisoner in a country that doesn't exist and by using the power of belief/faith/will Blythe is able to find it & (unknowingly) help Javad escape.