Buffy #26 SPOILERS
Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 4:21 pm
Oh OH OH OH OH OH HOT DAMN this was a good issue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quick Rundown:
So the forces of Twilight are in hardcore pursuit of the Slayers all over the place, and come raining down on them VERY hard. We see Giles and Faith battle out of a bunker in Germany from numerous demons, Andrew and his slayers fighting away from Amy and Warren in Roman tunnels (AMAZING Warren and Andrew scenes, and the throwback to the 'We are as gods' nearly had me busting in my chair!!!) Basically, they all make their way to Buffy and everyone else, where they're all being heavily attacked by various demons and vampires.
Bonus, Buffy and Giles seem to have made up (again), and when the going gets to tough, those remaining retreat to the submarine. From the look of it we're wittled down to the core cast (Buffy, Willow, Xander, Dawn, Giles, Faith, Andrew, Satsu, and *groan* Kennedy)
We figure out that they're being traced through magic, and Buffy decides to seek out Oz to find ways to hide their magical essences. We knew he was the focal point of this storyline, but his single line in the issue is pure classic Oz to what he witnesses. Jane Espenson's storyline already proves to be promising.
My one question is this: This issue brought the core characters together, making it much like the actual show used to be, and we focused more on them as the characters than we have in awhile.
Now, we all know that the last episode brought about every possible Slayer in the world. But this issue, and the last few actually, have revealed that their shelf lives are just as short as they used to be. In other words, Slayers are still dieing early. What I want to know is while we got all the new Slayers when Willow did her spell, are we STILL getting new ones?
Basically, are new Slayers being (literally) born daily, or are the ones we have now all the ones we're going to get? Are there new borns who in a few years will develop incredible strenght? Or, similar to our favorite Mutant Plight over at Marvel, is this a Slayer style of the 198?
Because face facts.. as these Slayer armies wittle away, Buffy basically has to wait about every 4-7 years for new girls to be ready to start taking up the fight. I doubt she'll let any 8 year old who is a Slayer be a part of it, but when her armies die the way they have been, the ranks will thin out really quickly.
It just seems like as Season 8 draws to a close, we're working towards the main cast members being almost being the only cast members, and I wonder if that'll be the case. If so, I'm 100% fine with it, as I much prefer just the handful of them saving the world, but if we're not then that's all just fine and dandy as well.
But as for this issue, I loved it, and I'm so glad we're back to the regular issue after what was honestly a very bad one shot last month.
Quick Rundown:
So the forces of Twilight are in hardcore pursuit of the Slayers all over the place, and come raining down on them VERY hard. We see Giles and Faith battle out of a bunker in Germany from numerous demons, Andrew and his slayers fighting away from Amy and Warren in Roman tunnels (AMAZING Warren and Andrew scenes, and the throwback to the 'We are as gods' nearly had me busting in my chair!!!) Basically, they all make their way to Buffy and everyone else, where they're all being heavily attacked by various demons and vampires.
Bonus, Buffy and Giles seem to have made up (again), and when the going gets to tough, those remaining retreat to the submarine. From the look of it we're wittled down to the core cast (Buffy, Willow, Xander, Dawn, Giles, Faith, Andrew, Satsu, and *groan* Kennedy)
We figure out that they're being traced through magic, and Buffy decides to seek out Oz to find ways to hide their magical essences. We knew he was the focal point of this storyline, but his single line in the issue is pure classic Oz to what he witnesses. Jane Espenson's storyline already proves to be promising.
My one question is this: This issue brought the core characters together, making it much like the actual show used to be, and we focused more on them as the characters than we have in awhile.
Now, we all know that the last episode brought about every possible Slayer in the world. But this issue, and the last few actually, have revealed that their shelf lives are just as short as they used to be. In other words, Slayers are still dieing early. What I want to know is while we got all the new Slayers when Willow did her spell, are we STILL getting new ones?
Basically, are new Slayers being (literally) born daily, or are the ones we have now all the ones we're going to get? Are there new borns who in a few years will develop incredible strenght? Or, similar to our favorite Mutant Plight over at Marvel, is this a Slayer style of the 198?
Because face facts.. as these Slayer armies wittle away, Buffy basically has to wait about every 4-7 years for new girls to be ready to start taking up the fight. I doubt she'll let any 8 year old who is a Slayer be a part of it, but when her armies die the way they have been, the ranks will thin out really quickly.
It just seems like as Season 8 draws to a close, we're working towards the main cast members being almost being the only cast members, and I wonder if that'll be the case. If so, I'm 100% fine with it, as I much prefer just the handful of them saving the world, but if we're not then that's all just fine and dandy as well.
But as for this issue, I loved it, and I'm so glad we're back to the regular issue after what was honestly a very bad one shot last month.