Review pending, but just a lil general background: Destroyer is written by Robert Kirkman and is a MAX title so hopefully it'll be a bloody good time. The only thing that really pissed me off was that the first issue was a preview issue and was listd as $3.99. Less pages for more money
But for some reason my LCS had some kind of sale where he was offering it for 70% off so I grabbed it then and there.
After reading I'm not really sure. My LCS kept saying it was a preview issue - which is why he marked it down 70% but it read like a normal issue; regardless at this point I don't much care.
There was nothing wrong with it. It was competent stuff, but it didn't really grab my interest greatly.
I am interested to see where it's going to go though. The basic premise is that the lead character is a rather old superhero and hs been diagnosed with a terminable disease, so he makes a decision to put a few things right before his time is up. One of these things is ticked off of his list by the end of the issue.