Nightmare World is an anthology of short stories within the horror genre. Each story is 8 pages long and the stories range from supernatural, to fantasy to sci-fi, to crime fiction & so on.
On the whole they're all pretty good stories; I hesitate to say great but solid & enjoyable nonetheless. Manning manages to pack a lot of emotion & story into just 8 pages. What makes Nightmare World even better is that the stories are stand alone and can be read in any order.
Manning has said that there is an overarching story connecting all the stories and that it becomes apparent later on. I'm not really focused on that at the moment but I'm sure I'll see it soon enough.
Finally, even though this is an anthology of horror stories there isn't any gratuitous blood, gore & swearing just for the sake of having it. Each horror story has a different take and serves a different purpose. It's classic horror; designed to make you think when the story ends.
I'd reccomend this to anyone looking to try something different.
Nightmare World by Dirk Manning
Moderator: Mr Wallstreet