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Brightest Day #0

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 7:17 pm
by Tragic Angelus
Pretty fun and packed, almost Anthology type book, with the exception of Deadman traveling through the lives of the 12 resurrected characters. It opens with him learning his White Ring brings a dead bird back to life, and the ring is constantly asking him for help.

We get a run down on the post resurrection lives of the 12 heroes through Deadman's eyes.

Aquaman and Mera have basically been using the lighthouse he was burried by as a cheap motel room, and it seems that Aquaman, while talking to Mera on the dock, is hesitant to jump into the water after her, seeing his Black Lantern reflection in it.

Zoom is still locked up in Iron Heights. Flash rushes in to tell Captain Boomerang, who was locked up too, not to waste his time trying to get out, and he doesn't trust that Digger will turn over a new leaf, so Barry tries threatening him to stay in but Digger seems hell bent on getting out to live his life how he wants.

Carter and Shiera are going over their past lives, and while Shiera wants to enjoy their relationship, Carter's hesitant because he thinks they'll die soon again. Apparently Shiera got a piece of the what is apparently her heart from Zamaron, and it latches onto some equipment and urges the two to take to the skies.

Maxwell Lord basically hooks himself up to some plasma and blood machines, and we seem him make the huge risk of erasing himself from the minds of every person on earth, saying he may or may not survive doing so. I'm guessing it works.

Guy Gardner and Hal Jordan head to Mars to see J'onn, who's working hard on enjoying his homeworld, and claims he's going to try to rebuild it and make Mars a real thriving planet again, even so far to say he wont' be the only Martian anymore. But he claims he's not abandoning Earth, and he has Hope for his life now.

Jade's being tested by Natu on Oa, and Jade tells her she doesn't want to be with Kyle anymore because he loves Natu, and she won't interfere with that. Jade also makes mention that she recalls what she did as a Black Lantern. Jade gets a flash of the White Lantern Symbol but doesn't know what it means.

Jason Rush is at his girlfriend's funeral, where Professor Stien and Ray Palmer are there asking where Ronnie is. Ronnie shows up, in college attire to a funeral, claiming he was with family and friends all day, when we see him at a huge frat style party instead. When Jason gets angry, Ronnie claims he has no clue what he did, and Jason punches Ronnie, and the two become Firestorm.

Osiris walks into Kahndaq, and sees the statues of Black Adam and Isis, apparently in their human guises (and trapped in them in JSA?) and claims he'll restore themand his country back to glory.

Hawk jumps headfirst into kicking the hell out of arms dealers in Washington DC without Dove there yet as back up. He claims this is his new plan of action and it'll continue.

Deadman lands in Star City's rubble, where he gets told again to Help Them. He gets a flash of what I'm guessing is each person's future.

Black Lantern Firestorm holding a salt version of what looks like Jason in his hand.

Mera holding Aquaman in chains, and the Trident in her hand.

Max Lord meeting Blue Beetle Jamie Reyes, a gun behind his back.

Jade powering up with a Green Lantern.

A 'Legion of Zoom' with a number of Zooms of various ages riding cosmic treadmills.

Hawkman and Hawkgirl battling.

Osiris crying over the broken statues he was carrying, though now their Black Adam and Isis rather than the human guises.

The Rogues pinning down and attacking Captain Boomerang.

Hawk and Dove making out.

And someone.. or something.. holding what looks like J'onn's skin, as if it's been pulled off of him, or J'onn has lost control of his shape, but it looks almost like it's a costume as well. Makes me wonder if we really got "J'onn" back or not now.

Suddenly, a forrest grows up in the rubble of Star City (which is actually shaped like a giant Star in the middle of the city), so now there's a giant Star Forest in the city.

Overall, really great fun here's what we did right after coming back, and here's where we may go. I really enjoyed it, and it's definitely something to make you want to follow through on Brightest Day series proper, and even a lot of additional tie in books like Flash, Birds of Prey, and even Generation Lost to see how a lot of these play out. The art changes are noticable, but not so much that it's hard to really keep reading and follow along. A little disappointed that the bi weekly part doesn't start till May, but I'll definitely be along for the ride. The only books I won't be reading are Generation Lost, GLC, and Titans, though I'll try to keep tabs on what's going on.

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 6:41 am
by Mr Wallstreet
So a bunch of formerly dead characters have returned? >:(

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 8:10 am
by Tragic Angelus
Lol yes, all the ones from at the end of Blackest Night, and as all of the DC Executies and Johns keep stating, it's FOR A PURPOSE.

Whatever that will mean.

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 12:26 pm
by jedispyder
I'm still confused why everyone says only 12 were brought back, it was 14 counting Anti-Monitor and Black Hand. Why do the last 2 don't count for anyone's final tally?

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 1:12 pm
by Tragic Angelus
For the Anit Monitor, I'm not sure, though he's back in the Anti Universe so he's not really a big factor just yet.

For Black Hand, he was resurrected for the Purpose of defeating Nekron, so his purpose was solid and clear. Resurrected? Yes. Reason? Defeat Nekron.

J'onn, Arthur, Osiris, Deadman, etc: Resurrected? Yes. Reason? Unsure yet.

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 1:14 pm
by Tragic Angelus
Though with the Anti Monitor, I suppose you could also say that his dead body/energy was powering the Black Lantern, and bringing him back stole that power away as well. But I'm not sure there.