Blackest Night: Flash *SPOILERS*
Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 5:59 pm
Alright, the second wave of Blackest Night minis has started, and I'll be doing the same thing as the last round. 3 Issues detailed here to keep you all updated!
Issue #1
*Note, this takes place during the last half of Blackest Night #4, and just before Blackest Night #5.
We kick start with Barry making the rounds informing heroes about the Black Lanterns, with near exact quotes from issue 4 of Blackest Night (as we'd hope since Johns is authoring both). We see the hidden graveyard the Rogues have for their fallen comrades, and them getting the message as well.
We seem to get a little clue to the ending of Flash: Rebirth, since both this and Blackest Night take place after Barry's official return. We get a recap on his life and death and return, and about how the original Professor Zoom who returned in Rebirth, is actually resurrected at some point in the near future, and Barry begins speculating if this even is what brings him back.
Cut back to the Rogue's cemetary where Captain Boomerang II, former Outsider and Rogue is joined by Tar Pit to see his father's grave, where he assumes this event will bring his father back, because he wants to talk to him. The two notice a Black Lantern Ring rush into the gravesite of the original Professor Zoom, and as his memory is downloaded to the ring (remember, the Zoom in Rebirth has been resurrected from the death Barry gave him, and the one here is just prior to that official resurrection), Owen rushes off with his superspeed in a funny moment, leaving Tar Pit alone.
We see Barry being contacted by Wally and Bart who's leading the Titans both beginning to head out and help spread the word, while Barry decides to rush to Solovar for consultation in Gorilla City. But before Wally can warn him that Solovar has died, he cuts out of range, and Barry is confronted by the Black Lantern Zoom. Barry reminds himself that this Zoom knows nothing of Barry's death during CoIE, his return, or his own return either, and is trying to trigger an emotional response from Barry. So Barry controls his emotions, and evades BL Zoom, and launches him at superspeed into the air, rushing off to Gorilla City.
As he recalls his relationship with Solovar, he finds the city in chaos. He's sure it's Grood, and as he rushes through the city he reminds himself he can't get angry, and finds a wall painting. It's a large image of Barry, with lighting coming from his chest to each speedster featured with him in Flash Rebirth (Jay Garrick, Max Mercury, Jessie Quick, Wally, Bart, and Wally's daughter Irey who's calling herself the new Impulse). As he realizes this details the information about the speed force he just learned about, and we see Barry colored in Hope.
Suddenly, Black Lantern Solovar reveals himself to Barry, and as he realizes what this means he gets angry, and rushes at him.
Back to the Rogues, who review the info Barry's passed out and the fact that the Black Lantern Rogues have just attacked Iron Heights Penitentiary, the decide to take action. They realize that the First Mirror Master, Trickster, and Captain Boomerang have all risen along with the Top, Rainbow Rider and Cold's sister, the Golden Glider have returned as well. The decide to take them on, and head through a mirror to find them. Just then, the reflection shows the Black Lantern Mirror Master appear, as he shatters their way back home.
Barry is attempting to take on Solovar, constantly yelling about how he's not the real thing. He assualts Barry's mind, asking for Barry's help, but he refuses to give in and pulls the ring off, rushing away from the body. As it starts to re-assemble while Barry rushes over the ocean, he pushes himself faster, scattering the remains, trying not to feel any emotions. Suddenly, we see the Power Levels: 100% and Barry is assualted with images of Coast City. He begins rushing there, calling for Bart and Wally, leading directly into Issue 5 of Blackest Night.
We end with the Rogues appearing just outside Iron Heights, ready to take on their risen friends, in a great image by Scott Kolins, reminding us why he's one of the best Flash artists of the past few years.
This was great, as a lead in to Johns writing the Flash, reteaming of Johns and Kolins on a Flash title, and a sequel to the two's Final Crisis: Rogue's Revenge mini. Johns keeps it tied with the main book easily, but I was surprised this takes place prior to the newest events. makes me think that only 2 issues of a possibly Zombied Barry will be all we get, but who knows really. Just have to wait and see, and I'm ready for more Johns Flash. However, I do wish Rebirth was finished before getting this so it could flesh some ideas out a bit more.
Issue #1
*Note, this takes place during the last half of Blackest Night #4, and just before Blackest Night #5.
We kick start with Barry making the rounds informing heroes about the Black Lanterns, with near exact quotes from issue 4 of Blackest Night (as we'd hope since Johns is authoring both). We see the hidden graveyard the Rogues have for their fallen comrades, and them getting the message as well.
We seem to get a little clue to the ending of Flash: Rebirth, since both this and Blackest Night take place after Barry's official return. We get a recap on his life and death and return, and about how the original Professor Zoom who returned in Rebirth, is actually resurrected at some point in the near future, and Barry begins speculating if this even is what brings him back.
Cut back to the Rogue's cemetary where Captain Boomerang II, former Outsider and Rogue is joined by Tar Pit to see his father's grave, where he assumes this event will bring his father back, because he wants to talk to him. The two notice a Black Lantern Ring rush into the gravesite of the original Professor Zoom, and as his memory is downloaded to the ring (remember, the Zoom in Rebirth has been resurrected from the death Barry gave him, and the one here is just prior to that official resurrection), Owen rushes off with his superspeed in a funny moment, leaving Tar Pit alone.
We see Barry being contacted by Wally and Bart who's leading the Titans both beginning to head out and help spread the word, while Barry decides to rush to Solovar for consultation in Gorilla City. But before Wally can warn him that Solovar has died, he cuts out of range, and Barry is confronted by the Black Lantern Zoom. Barry reminds himself that this Zoom knows nothing of Barry's death during CoIE, his return, or his own return either, and is trying to trigger an emotional response from Barry. So Barry controls his emotions, and evades BL Zoom, and launches him at superspeed into the air, rushing off to Gorilla City.
As he recalls his relationship with Solovar, he finds the city in chaos. He's sure it's Grood, and as he rushes through the city he reminds himself he can't get angry, and finds a wall painting. It's a large image of Barry, with lighting coming from his chest to each speedster featured with him in Flash Rebirth (Jay Garrick, Max Mercury, Jessie Quick, Wally, Bart, and Wally's daughter Irey who's calling herself the new Impulse). As he realizes this details the information about the speed force he just learned about, and we see Barry colored in Hope.
Suddenly, Black Lantern Solovar reveals himself to Barry, and as he realizes what this means he gets angry, and rushes at him.
Back to the Rogues, who review the info Barry's passed out and the fact that the Black Lantern Rogues have just attacked Iron Heights Penitentiary, the decide to take action. They realize that the First Mirror Master, Trickster, and Captain Boomerang have all risen along with the Top, Rainbow Rider and Cold's sister, the Golden Glider have returned as well. The decide to take them on, and head through a mirror to find them. Just then, the reflection shows the Black Lantern Mirror Master appear, as he shatters their way back home.
Barry is attempting to take on Solovar, constantly yelling about how he's not the real thing. He assualts Barry's mind, asking for Barry's help, but he refuses to give in and pulls the ring off, rushing away from the body. As it starts to re-assemble while Barry rushes over the ocean, he pushes himself faster, scattering the remains, trying not to feel any emotions. Suddenly, we see the Power Levels: 100% and Barry is assualted with images of Coast City. He begins rushing there, calling for Bart and Wally, leading directly into Issue 5 of Blackest Night.
We end with the Rogues appearing just outside Iron Heights, ready to take on their risen friends, in a great image by Scott Kolins, reminding us why he's one of the best Flash artists of the past few years.
This was great, as a lead in to Johns writing the Flash, reteaming of Johns and Kolins on a Flash title, and a sequel to the two's Final Crisis: Rogue's Revenge mini. Johns keeps it tied with the main book easily, but I was surprised this takes place prior to the newest events. makes me think that only 2 issues of a possibly Zombied Barry will be all we get, but who knows really. Just have to wait and see, and I'm ready for more Johns Flash. However, I do wish Rebirth was finished before getting this so it could flesh some ideas out a bit more.