DC announces major relaunch

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Mr Wallstreet
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DC announces major relaunch

Post by Mr Wallstreet »

After the Convergence event concludes, DC is launching 24 new titles:

Batman Beyond: by Dan Jurgens & Bernard Chang
Black Canary by Brenden Fletcher & Annie Wu & Irene Koh
Constantine: The Hellblazer by Ming Doyle & Riley Rossmo
Cyborg by David Walker & Ivan Reis
Dark Universe by James Tynion IV & Ming Doyle
Green Lantern: Lost Army by Cullen Bunn & Jesus Siaz & Javi Piña
Doomed by Scott Lobdell & Javier Fernandez
Earth 2: Society by Daniel Wilson & Jorge Jiminez
Dr. Fate by Paul Levitz & Sonny Liew
JLA by Bryan Hitch
Justice League 3001 by Giffen & Howard Porter
Martian Manhunter by Rob Williams & Ben Oliver
Midnighter by Steve Orlando & ACO
Mystic U by Alisa Kwitney &TBA
Omega Men by Tom King by Alec Morgan
Prez by Mark Russell & Ben Caldwell
Red Hood/ Arsenal by Lobdell & Denis Medri
Robin, Son of Batman by Patrick Gleason
Starfire by Palmiotti by Connor & Emanuela Lupacchino
We Are Robin by Lee Bermejo & Khary Randolph
4 six issue mini series
Bat-Mite by Dan Jurgens & Corin Howell
Bizarro by Heath Corson & Gustavo Duarte
Harley Quinn/ Power Girl by Palmiotti & Connor & Stephane Roux
Section Eight by Garth Ennis & John McCrea

Most don't appeal to me except Section 8, Harley Quinn/Power Girl

JLA written & drawn by Hitch looks both great & unreasonable cause you know...Hitch.

I'll browse Black Canary, Hellblazer & Cyborg

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Post by jedispyder »

Annoyed they're cancelling Batman & Robin, that was my favorite DC title outside of Batman Eternal. I may check out Batman Beyond since Jurgens is writing but not doing art. Who knows what else.

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Post by MGM »

Constantine: The Hellblazer? Really?

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Post by XIII »

I might get Bizarro because I really like Gustavo Duarte.
I'm curious about "We are Robins" as it is written by Bermejo but Randolph's art is not my thing.
I'll wait till we have preview pages to make up my mind if I get any.

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Post by wolf_2099 »

You know how I know I don't read a lot of mainstream comics anymore?
I don't recognize a lot of these people.
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Post by MGM »

Doyle and Reis. Lobdell and Hitch. Giffen, Bermejo, Jurgens, Palmiotti, Ennis and McCrea. The rest are complete unknowns.

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Post by XIII »

Brendan Fletcher is the guy behind Gotham Academy and Batgirl. Annie Wu is the artist who shared art duties with Aja on Hawkeye (she did the California issues) so that some issues would ship on time.
Riley Rossmo : artist who did lots of books at Image Comics. Mostly horror comics I think.
James Tynion IV is a "protégé" of Scott Snyder, one of his student or a childhood friend, can't remember. He does "The Woods" at Boom and was also writing some batbooks at some point.
Cullen Bunn does "The Sixth Gun" at Oni Press, Sinestro at DC and some Deadpool at Marvel.
Jesus Saiz is an artist whose done quite a lot of DC stuff. Was on Swamp Thing I think.
Sonny Liew is an Asian-American artist with lots of indie cred.

And the list goes on. Mostly those guys are indie credits or made a name for themselves at Image.

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