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Superman Unchained

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 4:21 am
So I was really looking forward to this book. Scott Snyder is someone I rather appreciate and Jim Lee is Jim Lee so I was all about getting this on my list.
And then yesterday came the solicits.
The book is clocking at $4.99 for 32 pages. Fuck that and fuck DC. I'm not paying that much. If you look at it, Batman 21 is at $3.99 for 40 pages!

So no Superman for me. Your loss, DC.

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 9:06 am
by jedispyder
It's $5 because they added a poster stapled in the comic. Not sure if it'll always be $5 with a poster or if that's just a first issue thing...

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 1:39 pm
Screw the poster. A stapled one that will have holes in the middle of it. Screw it. Screw DC.

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 2:11 pm
by wolf_2099
XIII wrote:Screw the poster. A stapled one that will have holes in the middle of it. Screw it. Screw the big two.
Fixed that for ya.

But yeah, really screw DC.
I've dropped all DC now except for a Batman, Det, and Green Arrow. A year ago that was closer to 15 or 20 titles.

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 2:46 pm
by jedispyder
Same for me. I think I'm only down to Batman and proper GL, which may not even survive the writer change. I pick up variants because I get them cheap but that's it.

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 2:57 pm
by Stocky Boy
How come you guys have dropped so much DC? New 52 not working out for you?

I've not got much on my list:
Batman (could drop for the hell of it)
Wonder Woman
Justice League Dark
Fables (could drop after current arc)
Fairest (could drop soon)

The House to Astonish guys have made the comment that DC don't seem interested in pushing the talent. It's all about the titles for them. While Marvel are continuing the push of putting great creator combos on books. Hell, they've even started giving their middle guys (Hickman) bigger books and sometimes have put their bigger guys on smaller books (Hawkeye, Punisher). This is smart.

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 3:05 pm
by jedispyder
Partially for me I'm unloading a lot of stuff as I'm running out of space. Plus, I've been reading more and more on the computer now. In fact, none of last week's comics were read in paper format even though I bought them! Working dayshift now, I had a lot more downtime to read so I've just been going all digital. It's been a long time since I even went through my old bagged/boarded comics which is why I'm thinking of selling most old ones. Not sure the best way as eBay could get expensive with fees, but not a lot of local stores likely want the stuff I have. I could sell quickly at a used bookstore but I'd get very little.

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 3:13 pm
by Tragic Angelus
For me, the New 52 just wasn't enjoyable anymore. Everything (and most everyone) I liked about the DCU pretty much got tossed out the window with the change so I found myself less and less interested in it. In fact, after dropping Batman, I'm dropping the two GL books I read after this Wrath of the First Lantern wraps and Johns ends his tenure on GL. Then I'll have no DC books whatsoever on my pull list, unless something from Vertigo happens to catch my attention. A few years ago, it was the exact opposite. I had about 3-4 Marvel titles (all X-Men) while having almost 10 DC titles.

I too have unloaded a lot of comics recently, and my shop has bought almost all of it. Most of it was in trade, but that's a great deal for me. Not paying 2-3 weeks of comics where each week was between $25-30 dollars has really helped out. My shop has also been buying TONS of DC New 52 runs, because more and more people are trying out New 52 and Marvel NOW! books as they're crossing over. Marvel NOW! new readers want to try New 52 and vice verse. So I've handed off all of it that I don't want back in for trade. I'll probably keep GL though, and hand off GL: New Guardians when I'm done.

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 3:52 pm
by Stocky Boy
That's a nice deal you've got with your store Ed. I like it.

Chris, where are you reading comics online. Comixology or something more... open :) ?

I surprisingly haven't gotten into reading 'open' comics. I need to know how it's done.

Plus, anyone using a tablet device?

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 4:14 pm
by wolf_2099

I recently downloaded the entire runs of Hellblazer, Y The Last Man, Batman No Mans Land and Ex Machina to read on my tablet.

All comics I own, but don't want to dig out to read. It's awesome to red old runs.

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 8:31 pm
by jedispyder
KickAssTorrent ( is also pretty cool for comics.

I actually use the program DC++ where you share a folder and can download individual issues from other people's shares. You can share anything but where I am you need a set amount of downloaded comics. Each comic also has an identifier so if 20 people are sharing the same version, you can connect to all of them to make it download faster (I'm talking seconds per comic if a lot of people share it).

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 10:02 am
by Mr Wallstreet
I agree that DC is favoring titles over talent, just look at the debacle with Gail Simone, the rotating creative changes on Superman, Firestorm, Hawk & Dove, Deathstroke. Xombi, Static Shock etc...This move is already biting them in the ass.

I'm still enjoying the New 52 with some exceptions. I'm dropping some books this month and with some ending, it'll free up my pull list.

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 2:57 pm
I'm down to only 2 books : Wonder Woman and Batwoman. And 2 Vertigo titles : The Wake and Brother Lono. It's an all-time low.

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 9:34 pm
by jedispyder
I haven't done a new updated list, but I think I'm down to Batman, GL, The Unwritten for DC and Wolverine & X-Men, Uncanny X-Men, and All-New X-Men for Marvel. Huh.