And this is where I decide to not support this book when it comes out and wait for the trade.
And if you add the Batman: Europa fiasco (supposed to launch in January, book nowhere to be seen and no word from DC), this is also where I stop buying any mini coming out of DCU offices.
Get your act together and show respect to the people who support you.
Maybe this is a wrong sense of entitlement but fuck it, it is pissing me off.
You've got to be kidding me? At this point all of the heat and momentum from the story will be long gone. Depending on how many books I'll have by then, I may not be able to get it right away.
So far I'm viewing the constant delays as more of an inconvienience than being outright angry. And as many of you mentioned depending on when the book is released I may get it or I may have to wait for the trade.