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Red: Movie and Comics

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 11:04 am
by jedispyder
I hadn't read Red (heh) when I saw the midnight showing last week. Absolutely loved the movie, lot of hilarious scenes. The premise of the movie:
Bruce Willis is a retired agent who spends his days doing nothing. He is a bit unconnected with the rest of the world as shown by him putting up his Christmas decorations way after everyone else has. He's so lonely he talks with Mary-Louise Parker claiming he doesn't get his pension checks when in fact he gets them and rips them up just so he can talk with her. Then one night assassins come to kill him, with him taking them all out (about 8-10 total). The rest of the movie is him trying to go after the people going after him, meeting a variety of friends from the military along the way all the while being chased by an FBI agent trying to bring him down. It's revealed he's being chased as a cover up to something that happened long ago in Guatemala, with anyone at all knowing about that being assassinated. Very awesome movie, a great mix of comedy and action.

I read the comic last night...and it's kinda sorta similar but not really. The main character is retired, but what happens is a new director of one of the big agencies is shown a video from the assistant director about what the main character had done in his active life. The new director freaks out and claims he wants him murdered just in case anyone could ever find out. That doesn't go well and the main character chases after the agency, going "red" which isn't defined but it sounds like it means active. He doesn't meet any friends along the way except the girl he chats with on the phone, but instead of him taking her with him like in the movie he almost kills her but decides not to. So the end is him actually going into the agency and killing everyone along the way, all by himself.

Very different, really only things similar are "retired man that has a top secret past is almost assassinated which leads to him starting up a campaign to take out those who wish him harm." The comic is a very short read, all 3 issues took me maybe 15 minutes to read at max (maybe only 10). I suggest seeing the movie.

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 1:58 pm
I'm definitely seeing the movie. I mean Helen Mirren with a sniper gun, how can you say no?