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Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 11:08 am
by Goshin
cuz if u not, PICK IT UP!:gossip:

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 11:55 am
by jedispyder
It's $4 and Claremont, no thank you. I'll download it, but I'm not going to promote Claremont anymore...

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 12:16 pm
by Sandman

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 1:34 pm
by wolf_2099
No way in hell.


Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 4:51 pm
by Tragic Angelus

yea no, i'm not getting this book. I gave up after him after he launched Exiles down a further hole of suck.

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 5:40 pm
by Goshin

yall need to quit bein scheptical fanboys for once, forget all the bullshit, pretend that u a kid again and pick up the book and read it!!! its better than astonishing

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 6:02 am
It's surprisingly getting ok reviews.

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 9:16 am
by wolf_2099
XIII wrote:It's surprisingly getting ok reviews.
Okay is not good enough.

I have also read it doesnt even really take up where he left off

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 1:07 pm
by Stocky Boy
Not getting it. I've heard it's okay, but one for the Claremont fans.

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 2:24 pm
I think we both heard it from the same voice. ;)

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 3:41 pm
by Stocky Boy

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 3:13 pm
by Goshin
wolf_2099 wrote:Okay is not good enough.

I have also read it doesnt even really take up where he left off

actually, it does. and if anybody ever read his entire first run (which i got on my comp, a whoompin 2 gigs in cbz files), sometimes he picks up a month or so later and a couple characters may have new costumes or so. longshot just appeared out of nowhere as an x-man in #215 but all he did was guest star in an annual the year before. so to have nightcrawler and kitty rejoin the team and help them out on a mission looking for fabian cortez after x-men #3 makes sense.

and as for wolverine dying, claremont was dropping hints of that possibility as early as #251 when he got crucified by the reavers since that taxed out his healing factor. and even later on during the post x-tinction agenda era when characters like gambit were kicking the shit outta him and jean and some other characters were saying he aint what he used to be. claremont was implying that he wasnt invincible and that he could possibly get killed in the future.

and the fact that nick fury and shield would be supervising the x-men and giving them government status was hinted at in x-men #1 with nick fury calling xavier about the magneto crisis instead of calling the avengers who fought him just as much as the x-men did. perhaps after xavier got back from space and seen everything that happened with the marauders, reavers, shadow king etc he felt that the x-men needed a change of direction, especially after the x-men were wanted by the goverment right before he left earth in #200 after warpath kidnapped banshee and took him in that government complex where thunderbird died.

so really everything to me in x-men forever makes perfect sense except for him changing gambit's last name to "picard" (wtf?), and the fact that Phoenix II didnt come back to the x-men and how Jean is phoenix again when it wasnt her in the first place.

but there are a few points i wanna see him make in the series:

would dazzler eventually regain her memory and rejoin the team instead of hiding in hollywood? forge and banshee were going after her but got sidetracked when tehy fought the morlocks with jean and beast.

is there really a link between longshot and gambit? as late as x-men #273 various x-men pointed that out, and he seemed to disapear out the blue after #248 into limbo

where did jubilee go? she just disapeared after issue #280 and did not pop up again until jim lee and john byrne were co-writing the book starting with x-men #4. i never liked that bitch and she always got on my nerves but ppl just dont disapear into thin air....

and will he explain why half the x-men disapeared? archangel, iceman, psylocke, colossus etc could at least be hanging around the mansion still while the other x-men were on a mission, or did everybody do like havok and polaris in the 70s and 80s and just retire from being heroes since magneto was dead? i didnt buy x-men forever alpha because i read x-men 1-3 a zillion times but did it explain why they left?

other than that the book is kick ass, and PAUL SMITH will be drawing the series from #6 on up as the regular artist!! i love what uncanny has been doin from messiah complex on up to now but its nice to have a breath of fresh air and read an x-men comic where the writer doesent introduce every character like KARMA- MIND READER- LIKES GIRLS . i miss the thought bubbles that showed what characters were thinking and the narration boxes i almost forgot about those!

i think the reason claremonts writing hasnt been that good is because a lotta recent shit he had nothing to do with was thrown on him that fucked up his original plans for the characters. i mean, waaaaay back in 1975 when he first jumped on the book storm, nightcrawler, peter etc had only appeared in giant-sized #1, wolverine had only been in one issue of hulk and one issue of x-men, and banshee was originally a washed up third stringer from the 60s with no background whatsoever. forever gives him teh opportunity to show us what was originally supposed to happen, like where mastermold went after #247, and his great big idea of killing wolverine and bringing him back 2 years later as the hand's top asassin.

so if u grew up during claremont's original run (or bought back issues and read classic x-men like i did), then this book is perfect. ill gladly shell out eight bucks a month to read this book while im taking a shit