Nothing really. It was a Marvel summer event, of course nothing shocking came out of it.
Although, Shield was disbanded, and Hammer was formed. The Avengers and the Avengers Initiative and Hammer are all now run by Norman Osbourne.
See how long that lasts for.
"French is like anal, exotic but oh so unnecessary."
XIII wrote:I wouldn't call it lame. It makes no sense at all but it creates a new statu quo that intrigues me.
That is the only thing I like about the ending. It is rather cool. But fuck, they need to explain why no one in the public is saying anything about Osbourne being nuts.
"French is like anal, exotic but oh so unnecessary."
wolf_2099 wrote:That is the only thing I like about the ending. It is rather cool. But fuck, they need to explain why no one in the public is saying anything about Osbourne being nuts.