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CBR: Top 100 Comic Book Storylines

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 4:18 pm
by Tragic Angelus
CBR had readers vote on their Top 10 comic book storylines of all time, and with the creation of a points system, they're revealing the results daily on their website, and they've revealed the 100-66 so far, with details on each storyline offered through links on the master site.

Top 100 Comic Book Storylines

Look through, and what do you guys think so far?

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 9:21 pm
by jedispyder
I think some should be much lower (Y-The Last Man's first arc only #76, I hope like hell they've got another Y arc somewhere lower). Some of those I've never read/heard of (surprised Cerebus has 2 already). I'll wait to pass final judgment until I see the final...

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 9:33 pm
by Tragic Angelus
There's a lot I haven't read yet, but with this being the 'Bottom 50' still, I'm expecting a lot of the the stories generally considered the best to appear in the next half.

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 6:04 pm
by Tragic Angelus
Well they've hit the first part of the Top Ten, and I must say I'm a bit surprised. I won't lie, I wasn't expecting Crisis on Infinite Earths to hit the Top Ten. 20 or 25 maybe, but 10 surprised me. Also, All-Star Superman hitting in at #6 really came out of nowhere on me. I've yet to read it, but everything It's getting makes me want to more and more. Seeing Age of Apocalypse in the #12 slot really surprised me...

Things noticably absent from the list that I'm sure will hit the Top 5: The Dark Knight Returns, Dark Phoenix Saga, and Watchmen. I'm sure they'll all be in the top 5 (If Dark Phoenix isn't, I'll having a fucking stroke, as the other 2 are shoe ins for the top 2 spots)

What really surprises me is the number of more modern stories in the higher spots. I'm curious if this lends to the increase in younger, or rather newer, readers to the game, who have gotten on with some of the larger more recent events over the last decade and have yet to really invest in some of the older, more 'cannon'-esque comic storylines. I'll admit that, while only reading for just over 10 years I love tons of newer stories of course. But I've put every effort I can to read older stories as well. The first Secret Wars, the original Crisis, the whole Bryne/Claremont run on Uncanny, and searching for other classic tales that made todays hit characters who they are.

While I don't discredit some major blockbusters of 'today' I don't readily agree some should be thrown in with such regard and weight as classic stories already. Those stories of yesterday are STILL relevant and have lasted 20, 30 or more years into today, while things like Ultimates 2 and E is for Extinction are in the top 30. Some of it just surprises me. But I think it comes down to the retailers needing to make these classic stories readily excessable to new readers, whether in trade or reprint editions. I haven't read most of them, but that's due in partial to simpy having to FIND a copy at a reasonable price.

And... that's my part so far. I'm interested to see what other 2 stories make the Top 5, assuming those 3 will be in it.

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 4:10 am
All Star Superman was awesome. You DCU bigots need to branch out. :D

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:00 pm
by Tragic Angelus
Ha well the truth is from all of the aclaim it's gained since it hit the half way mark I've been tempted to get it. I just assumed it was going to be an ongoing and I didn't want to commit. Now that I know it's 12 issues I'll probably grab it.

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 1:40 pm
by wolf_2099
XIII wrote:All Star Superman was awesome. You DCU bigots need to branch out. :D
I own this entire series, bought it as it came out on monthlies, and still have yet to read it.

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 2:11 pm
by MGM
Tragic Angelus wrote:Seeing Age of Apocalypse in the #12 slot really surprised me...
It doesn't really surprise me. It's precisely form the age the X-Men were... well, it was the 90's. But it was a pretty good storyline, which everyone seems to love. I know Wizard is shit, but they listed it as the #2 crossover a while back, and I do think that's got some truth to it. It's got tons of awesome moments and it basically is a fanboy's fantasy come true: fanfics written by the pro's.

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 7:56 pm
by Tragic Angelus
That is a good point, the story is kind of a basic what if that became reality for longer than just 1 issue. I could see it in the top 50 but it just surprised me to be that close to the 10. I suppose I just associated it with that whole idea on newer stories being given so much weight.

The Dark Knight Returns was listed as story #5. It seems they'll end up doing one a day from here on out.

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 1:35 am
by MGM
So the top three seems to be Born again, Dark Phoenix and Watchmen (I'd rank them from 3 to 1 in that order). Not bad, but Born Again as a top 3 spot? That seems a bit high, frankly. Not to mention that I think Batman: Year One is a better story.

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 5:21 pm
by Tragic Angelus
I was surprised to see Born Again in the top 3 spot rather than just a top 10. I knew Watchmen was set for #1, but was glad Dark Phoenix hit #2, because it's my all time favorite, and it's absense so far kind of had me worried. Not a bad list, but I haven't yet read most of those.