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Free Comic Book Day 2017

Posted: Sat May 06, 2017 2:13 pm
Anybody else went?

I wanted to skip it as none of the offered comics looked remotely interesting and then my local comics shop went and invited Chris Weston to sign and sketch the whole day!
So I changed my mind and was actually the first one outside the door at 7am. Was joined later by a good friend with who I do the Comic Con in Lyon every year.
Waited 3 hours, with the weather getting worse and starting to piss down but luckily, one of the many tents that were installed outside the shop to shelter the artists was set at the entrance of the shop so I didn't get wet.
At 10am, doors opened and I picked up Marvel's Secret Empire, Image's I hate Image and the Zelda book for a coworker. Then I immediately went to Chris Weston's table. He arrived 20mn later. A very very nice person, very friendly and he seemed very humble. I asked for a Judge Dredd. He said his first sketch was always rubbish, well I'll take his rubbish over many artists' best any day. He worked on it for close to 30mn. Inked and colored. And most of all: FREE! End result is great. All the while, he was chatting. Some bloke stopped by and bought for 600 euros worth of his original art! :eek: Then I stayed to watch him sketching for my friend and since there was nobody else after him, I got back in line and got a little present for our very own Mr. Gillies cause he's been getting me stuff so many times over the years :).
There was also Elsa Charretier sketching (Infinite loop at IDW, Starfire at DC) but the line was too long so I left.

All in all, a great experience. I'll post pics of the sketches tomorrow on Facebook.
Can't wait for the LYon ComicCon next September!

Re: Free Comic Book Day 2017

Posted: Sat May 06, 2017 10:50 pm
by wolf_2099
And I am extremely grateful for it! Thank you.

I went to my local shops, because a lot of them do really good deals.

I picked up most of Rucka and Brubakers early DC stuff (Adventures of Superman, Det Comics, Batman) and Aarons Ghost Rider run for cheap.

I snagged a few of the free comics, but wasn't holy interested in them.

No artists were set up at any of ours stores, which is sad, because we have a ton of local talent. Riley Rossmo and Fiona Staples among them.

Re: Free Comic Book Day 2017

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 9:34 am
by Mr Wallstreet
I made the rounds to a couple of comic book stores but didn't see anything I was interested in but It was great to go to some shops I hadn't been to in a while.

Chris Sotomayer was at my LCS at free comic book day. His line was out the door so I didnt get anything signed but because I'm friends with the owners I got to chat with him for a while.