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Bleeding Cool

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 8:13 pm
by wolf_2099
Does anyone else use Bleeding Cool for comic news?

Lately, I have found them to be terrible.
Rich Johnston is a terrible reporter, and everyone else there seems to be falling into that line. ... an-movies/

This article, like a lot of others lately is claiming one thing, when the original info is nothing like it.

It seems like there stirring up shit, and mis-representing facts just for click-bait.

Re: Bleeding Cool

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 4:35 am
by MGM
I haven't been on their site for years. I think it's because there were so many much better news sites out there.

Re: Bleeding Cool

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 7:05 am
by Mr Wallstreet
^Same. They're good at gossip, however, their actual comic book news reporting generally ranges from inaccurate to piss poor. I usually stay with comic book resources and Newsarama. Occasionally I'll go to the DC or Marvel site.

Re: Bleeding Cool

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 1:53 pm
by wolf_2099
Mr Wallstreet wrote:^Same. They're good at gossip, however, their actual comic book news reporting generally ranges from inaccurate to piss poor. I usually stay with comic book resources and Newsarama. Occasionally I'll go to the DC or Marvel site.
I noticed that, and with the rampant bad mouth of the competition they have been removed from my feed.

I had removed newsarama as well, but will re-add it.

Re: Bleeding Cool

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 3:43 pm
by MGM
Newsarama is not so bad. I really used to like CBR, but since their overhaul it's a terrible site. The Beat remains great. Lately I browse Broken Frontier, Comics Bulletin and Comicosity as well. Comics Alliance isn't so bad, but I wish they'd make a feature so you could just read the comic news.

Re: Bleeding Cool

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 5:35 pm
by Tragic Angelus
I've never really looked at BC. It always felt rushed and more rumors than actual news. Then, reading from creators who've said they never did an interview with BC after articles with quotes from them went up as exclusives and found out some of the people they talked to were secret BC "reporters" made me really question how they went about things so I avoided them all together really.

As for other sites, I've pretty much dropped them all. Newsarama is mostly lists and top ten's, which I'll look at randomly just to see how they ranked things, but I rarely find actual comic news on there. And I'm the same with CBR. It used to be great, but the new overhaul has made it like a bad combination of Newsarma and Buzzfeed. CBR is almost entirely clickbait now, and it's pages shut down my computer half the time. Even my phone constantly reloads the pages, so I can't read half of what they do.

I'll have to look at some of the ones you guys have listed for news, but mostly I read an article or two that pops up on Comics Alliance sometimes. Otherwise I haven't really kept up on comic news.

Re: Bleeding Cool

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 11:11 pm
I'm with Ed. For news now, I only use this French board where some very dedicated people are religiously uploading news, doing reviews, etc... I'm not even using Twitter anymore where I used to follow a lot of creators.