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Best Comics You're Reading Right Now
Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 12:52 pm
by wolf_2099
To generate a little more chat, and to see what everyone else is reading, let's see what everyone likes right now!
I'm just getting caught up on a back log of like two years worth of comics, but right now I am hugely impressed with Lazarus. Greg Rucka writes. I figure most people here have read it.
Otherwise tonight I crack open the early 90's Batman/Dracula: Red Rain which I hear great things about. ... .281991.29
Re: Best Comics You're Reading Right Now
Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 1:41 pm
by MGM
Lazarus is the top comic I'm reading.
I'll have to get back to you for more (since I have no time at all now).
Re: Best Comics You're Reading Right Now
Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 6:35 am
by Tragic Angelus
I'd have to say right now that Buffy Season 10 is probably the top spot, but there are only 2 issues left. After that, the book I have the most fun reading and look forward to is the new Power Man & Iron Fist series by David Walker and Sanford Greene.
Re: Best Comics You're Reading Right Now
Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 1:39 pm
I would go with Lazarus too.
Another that I like a lot is The Fuse.
Though I haven't read anything in a very long time. They're just piling up.
Re: Best Comics You're Reading Right Now
Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 2:01 pm
by MGM
I just started the first TPB of The Fuse. I also just read the first TPB of Paper Girls. That was much more fun than I'd ever imagined. The original sollicits didn't really do it justice.
At the moment I'm reading (buying):
Greg Rucka. Fun, but to be honest, just that. Nothing spectacular.
Greg Rucka again. This is pretty good, with great art. Not enough story yet to see how it turns out (but I have faith, it's Rucka after all).
Remender and Sean Murphy. Sci Fi bonanza to the max. Probably not everyone's cup of tea, but I'm interested to see where it's going for the moment.
The fabulous Moon and Ba. Probably the most dense comic I've ever read. And with gorgeous art. Bottom of the reading pile, except if there's a Lazarus as well.
There we have it. The best comic out there at the moment. Fantastic story and art.
Brubaker and Epting. Spy-stuff and in the top 3 of this list. Much better than Bru and Philips.
No top 3 comic, but probably a top 5 comic (I say now, but I'm not down the list completely). Aaron and Latour do grim 'n gritty in the South.
Aron doing Biblical stuff. But it's been on the cutting block for 4 issues now (it's 4 issues in). 5 and 6 will decide its fate.
Sci-fi western by Hickman. It's not really dense, but there's quite a lot of story in it anyway. And nice, nice art.
I'm there for Gage and Isaacs. When they go, I go. And will probably follow.
Definitely another top 5 book. Wilson writing and Alphona doing (most of) the art. Great characterization and a fantastic lead character.
Aaron and Bachalo. Fun to read, but prior to the current arc I was about to give up on it. But it's strong now, so I'm on. Can't shake the feeling that it won't keep this way, though.
Multiverse sci-fi by Remender. It's a good romp of fun, but I wonder how long it's still going on. While it's still strong, it seems like it'll go the way of The Exiles. At some point, there's just not enough interest in yet another new world anymore.
Waid and Kubert. And soon of the list, because Waid will start the Champions with Ms/ Marvel in it. And that's the only reason I'm reading it. Fun old-fashioned superhero stuff, though.
On a break. The current mini is okay, but the main story is better. I'll give it another arc to decide what to do with it, though.
Re: Best Comics You're Reading Right Now
Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 2:04 pm
by MGM
Also, intention of buying:
Cops go bad.
Sci-fi by Remender and Opena.
Bru and Philips. To be fair, I'm getting a bit bored by their stuff. It's always good, but it's not riveting anymore.
The concept of Doom Patrol is something I want to like. And I've read Gerard Way's Umbrella Academy, which is brilliant. But... I don't think he's written anything else? So I can't judge whether I really want this or not.
Re: Best Comics You're Reading Right Now
Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 5:56 am
Gerard Way did The Fabulous Killjoys at Dark Horse with Becky Cloonan, based on one of his band's album.
Re: Best Comics You're Reading Right Now
Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 2:09 pm
by MGM
Is it any good?
Re: Best Comics You're Reading Right Now
Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 2:50 pm
It was ok. Nothing revolutionary. Got it cause of Cloonan.
Re: Best Comics You're Reading Right Now
Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2016 12:10 am
MGM wrote:Also, intention of buying:
Cops go bad.
Sci-fi by Remender and Opena.
Bru and Philips. To be fair, I'm getting a bit bored by their stuff. It's always good, but it's not riveting anymore.
The concept of Doom Patrol is something I want to like. And I've read Gerard Way's Umbrella Academy, which is brilliant. But... I don't think he's written anything else? So I can't judge whether I really want this or not.
Just read the 1st 3 issues of The Fix and I really enjoyed it.
Re: Best Comics You're Reading Right Now
Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 10:44 pm
by wolf_2099
I just got around to reading We Stand on Guard For Thee by Vaughn.
It;s about the US invading Canada in 100 years.
Awesome, pick up the trade if you didn't read it,
Re: Best Comics You're Reading Right Now
Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2016 12:10 am
by MGM
Read the first TPB of The Sheriff of Babylon yesterday. No bad, but I think my initial assessment (not bad, but not good enough to buy) was correct. The story and art are pretty good, but it'd probably be on (or near) the top of my reading pile every month.
I also read How to talk to girls at parties (Gaiman, Moon, Ba). Brilliant. It's a short story (based on a
short by Gaiman), but it looks absolutely gorgeous and is a very fun read.
Re: Best Comics You're Reading Right Now
Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2016 2:39 pm
MGM wrote:Read the first TPB of The Sheriff of Babylon yesterday. No bad, but I think my initial assessment (not bad, but not good enough to buy) was correct. The story and art are pretty good, but it'd probably be on (or near) the top of my reading pile every month.
I also read How to talk to girls at parties (Gaiman, Moon, Ba). Brilliant. It's a short story (based on a
short by Gaiman), but it looks absolutely gorgeous and is a very fun read.
I read issues 1-8 over the holidays. It looks great but the writing is weird. Sometimes it sounds off. The kind of book that makes me think I'm not start enough to fully enjoy it.
Re: Best Comics You're Reading Right Now
Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2016 5:00 pm
by wolf_2099
I have that sitting on my to read pile as well, I meant to do it a couple weekens, these posts probably have it getting pushed a couple more weeks.
Re: Best Comics You're Reading Right Now
Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 12:02 am
by wolf_2099
So, I tried readying ODY-C tonight and couldn't finish the first issue.
Is anyone reading it and liking it? Is it worth slogging my way through?
Re: Best Comics You're Reading Right Now
Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 3:50 pm
by MGM
I figured they can't beat Homer, so I never started it.