Chuck Dixon claims bias against conservatives in comics

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Mr Wallstreet
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Chuck Dixon claims bias against conservatives in comics

Post by Mr Wallstreet »

Chuck Dixon recently co-wrote an article in and appeared on the news claiming that there is a liberal bias against conservative writers in comics in general and Marvel particular. Dixon claims he has not had steady work in 10-15 years and is due in large part to his conservative beliefs.

He has called out Marvel for their bias against him and has said that because of his beliefs he has been blacklisted within the industry.

Obviously this is a huge accusation. If anyone here has Dan Slott or Tom Brevoort as friends on their facebook, there is currently a huge discussion going on about that it that you can read on either Brevoort or Slott's page. Many big names have weighed in on the issue on Slott's page such as Mark Waid, Dan Slott, Tom Brevoort, Fabian Nicezia, Phil Jiminez and others.

Personally, I do think comics do have a very liberal slant to them. I don't, however, think Dixon was black listed because of his views. I didn't even know Dixon was a conservative until this whole she-bang started. Mark Waid pointed out that while comics are, for the most part, driven by liberal writers the bias is not anti conservative but an ageist bias. Waid points to DC as an example of a company where older writers are pushed out.

Any thoughts?

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Mr Wallstreet
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The article can be read here because my iPad can't copy an article for shit ... 1402265792

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Stocky Boy
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The article seems to have a big problem with the moral ambiguity of the heroes, i.e. being normal. They want nothing but black and white heroes and villains. There is space for that, but I doubt the majority of comic readers want that for the majority of books they read.

It might be better to look at the situation as - most comics are liberal because both the writers and the comic readers tend to be more liberal. How does Dixon think he's going to sell a bunch of conservatively imbued books to a majority leaning liberal comic reading audience?

A few points of observation:

Is The Incredibles about lefties bringing down righties simply because the lefties are jealous of the righties talents? Surely not? Surely Mr Incredible's shitty office job where he has to sell shitty products to an old lady who doesn't them, just to fleece her for money, is the essence of capitalism and his desire to be honest with her is quite lefty?

Surely Persopolis is a liberal leaning book seeing as the main character does her best to flee a world of conservative, Muslim oppression?

Also, isn't Dixon simply complaining that he doesn't like government errors and truths that should steer you away from blind patriotism entering a clean cut medium, because it jars with his ideals of conservatism? Isn't he asking us to turn a blind eye to truth and justice?

What the hell is the American way?
If anything, the CCA is certainly not something you want in existence ever. It's the embodiment of no free speech.

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Nice find Wally.

I haven't read the facebook stuff. Are most of the creators left leaning?

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Mr Wallstreet
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Post by Mr Wallstreet »

Most creators generally are left leaning if not outright lefties.

On the thread in Slott/Brevoort's pages most of the creators responding are liberal or left of center (liberalish). Dan Slott, Tom Brevoort, Phil Jiminez, & Mark Waid are all out and proud liberals. Fabian Nicezia identified himself as moderate as does Busiek I think.

Upon further discussion in their thread, I found that in addition to Chuck Dixon, other notable conservatives in the comics industry are: Orson Scott Card, Frank Miller, Bill Willingham (no surprise on the last 3) and Ethan Van Sciver (news to me) who is purported to be so far right that ( according to Dan Slott) he makes Chuck Dixon look like a liberal commie pinko". I had no clue that Sciver was conservative, nor does this affect how I perceive him or his work.

More later. Sleepy time now.

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Post by Stocky Boy »

I could guess Orson Scott and Frank Miller, but why could you guess Willingham?

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Willingham has stated in interviews a few times over the years that his views are conservative

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Mr Wallstreet
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Post by Mr Wallstreet »

Stocky Boy wrote:

What the hell is the American way?
Ever seen Team America: World Police?

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