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What to read next?

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 5:34 pm
by jedispyder
Finally finished reading Excalibur v1. It's taken me almost 2 months to get through about 160 issues. There were loads of tie-ins to read, some I never finished such as Knights of Pendragon (it started out interesting but once I got to issue 6 I realized this had nothing to do with Excalibur and only had to do with Captain Britain, so I gave up on it).

Now I'm trying to figure out what to read next. Before this I read the Fall of the Hulks/Hulked Out Heroes but never finished catching up on the 2 Hulk series, so that's a possibility. I was thinking of catching up on Wolverine (I stopped following when Daken took over the main title and they began Wolverine: Weapon X). I could also begin Stormwatch v1-2 as I've never actually read the Warren Ellis issues and I've always wanted to yet never wanted to start from the beginning but guess you have to start sometime.

Anybody else have any suggestions?

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 1:38 am
Hmm, it's kinda hard to say cause I don't know what you have read yet.
Trying to think of something you might not have read, I'll get back to you.

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 1:12 pm
by jedispyder
Any recommendation is welcome! There are just a lot of arcs and series from the 90s that I didn't fully read. That's why the recent things I've read are Operation: Galactic Storm, Operation: Zero Tolerance, and Excalibur. Also why I was thinking of reading Stormwatch.

Even if it's a mini-series or an arc/crossover, I'm open to reading it. Basically it helps me pass the time as I have a lot of freetime when I get off work due to it being past midnight and none of my friends awake to do anything, lol.

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 12:20 am
I would definitely recommend X-Force, from the moment John Francis Moore took writing duties and they hit the road (around issue 70). Gorgeous art by Adam Pollina. At least I remember it being great.

Clandestine by Alan Davis is another 90s book that I remember liking.

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 2:00 am
by jedispyder
I forgot about X-Force! I had such a blast reading their tie-in issues they had for Operation: Zero Tolerance that I wanted to reread the series again.

I've heard of Clandestine but never read it, may have to look it up.