London MCM Expo Oct 30th-31st

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Stocky Boy
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London MCM Expo Oct 30th-31st

Post by Stocky Boy »

So, short/impossible notice if any of you want to get stuff to me, but I just discovered that Sean Phillips is going to be there.

Also, fortunately for me, so will Chris Claremont, who I missed on several occasions, while you guys comically kept running into him.

Diggle and Jock are said to be walking around the place.

Here's the list of creators - subject to change of course:

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Mr Wallstreet
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Post by Mr Wallstreet »

Nothing for me but have fun. I hear Chris Claremont's wife is a hoot

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Post by wolf_2099 »

Sean Phillips.

Damn you, damn you good.
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Post by XIII »

Did I ever mention that I ran into Sean Phillips at the first NYCC? Poor guy had kidney stones and was looking like shit. Had nothing for him to sign at the time.
Have fun, Andy.

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Post by wolf_2099 »

I <3 Sleeper, Incognito and Criminal.
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Post by XIII »

There are way too many manga artists in that line-up. I trust you to do the right thing, ie bring a hacksaw with you and have at them!

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Post by XIII »

Methinks you should actually drop this MCM nonsense, take a train to Leeds and attend this :

Much better.

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Post by Stocky Boy »

XIII wrote:Methinks you should actually drop this MCM nonsense, take a train to Leeds and attend this :

Much better.
Bloody John Romita Jnr is going to be there!!!!

... Hmmmm. Not sure if I'll make it to Leeds.

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Post by Stocky Boy »

Oh and Claremont will be there for stage interviews on both days. So, in theory I should be able to get to him easily.

Sean Phillips has a table, so again, should be easy to get to.

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Post by XIII »

Mark Millar wants to make a San Diego CC in London next year. ... -in-weeks/

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Post by Stocky Boy »

Mark Millar certainly has 'ambition'. It would be cool if he could do it, but I don't have high expectations.

Thought Bubble appears to be the 'recognised' UK comic convention. I think I would like to go to Thought Bubble, but since it's up north and would involve staying up there, it would be nice to split the cost of a hotel and there's no one to do that with. I've got a mate up in Leeds, who I could stay with, but I'd feel like a butthole, if I spent most of that weekend at a convention and just used his place as a crach pad.

Anyway, finally fucking finally got Claremont's signiture. I didn't get fifteen minutes worth of conversation time like you guys did, but it shouldn't go unoticed that he turned up way earlier than he was scheduled for and effectively did atleast two signings including the one he was advertised for. This was nice of him. I do wonder though if he effectively had nothing else to do, so why not do some signing.

Got Diggle and Jock again, this time on the Green Arrow Year One tpb. This time round it looked like Jock was going to no show. He turned up an hour late. Now, I didn't know about the signing time until I turned up, which is quite shit of the expo. However, the staff on the booth get two thumbs up for informing everyone at the start of the signing time that Jocks's going to be an hour late. That's a thumbs up for keeping the punters informed as early as you can, so that they can make whatever decisions they wish to make.

Got Mckelvie and Gillen again, this time on the first Phonogram tpb, Rue Britannia. These two won Eagle awards.

Got Sean Phillips! First three issues of Sleeper, plus bought volume 5 from him and a variant copy of Incognito issue one. A couple of you chaps should have a photo of me, him and my gloating smug face. ;-)

Got Paul Duffield again. This time for a manga-ised telling of Tempest and a piece of work of his own, which he had dedicated to the memory of Carl Sagan. Pretty cool!

Got Paul Cornell to sign my issue one of Young Avengers that Mark Brooks signed at NYCC2010.

Also got Bernard Chang's signiture on a variant issue 2 of Turf and a neat Punisher sketch on a comic backing board. This got me thinking: comic backing boards are fuckign awesome for sketches!

Annnnd bought volume one of Wasteland, which Antony Johnson signed for me. Anyone read this? I got it because the recommendations on the back were from the likes of Warren Ellis. Plus, I kind of just wanted to get something signed by one of the bigger name creators at this expo and I simply didn't have anything of his already.

Duffield and Jock remembered me and it's 50-50 whether or not Gillen and Mckelvie did. Funnily enough recognised someone from the CBLDF bar. No, not the victim of, "DO YOU LIKE COMIC BOOKS!!!". Someone else. Turns out she's an artist/writer called Emma Vieceli. She was hosting this Writers vs. Artists panel, which was a pictionary and taboo game between the creators on stage. She did one of these manga-ised Shakespeare pieces for Hamlet. Got that too.

Pretty good day for comic signage!

These London expos are a bit pants in that they are really more a sci-fi show with a comics bit added in, but for what you pay you do get value for money; a few known creators who are reasonably easy to get to; chat around with and dispite being busy you can still walk the floor with relative ease! I think 30,000 people is the average for London expo.

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Post by XIII »

Sounds like you had a great show! Man, well done on getting the variant Incognito cover, it's a tall nice one.
Also, Leeds is a one day only convention.

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Post by Mr Wallstreet »

Sounds like you had a great time there so good on you. I imagine Claremont didn't want to spend too much time chatting with you because he probably read all the negative things you wrote about him years prior.

Nice that Diggle & Jock were there, though I still can't get used to calling him Jock.

Were there any Sci-fans writers or actors that attended that we may have known about?

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Post by Stocky Boy »

There were a number of sci-fi writers there. I don't really know them, but off the top of my head there was a guy called F Hamilton - or something like that.

Oh funnily enough, I was skimming through our pics of the last three NYCCs. I just noticed that in the picture of me and Milligan outside the panel, you can not only see Mike Carey in the background but also... Emma Vieceli and her husband. :D

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Post by MGM »

Hamilton writes good books. With very many pages.

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