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Diamond To Begin Tuesday New Comics Delivery in 2011

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 5:08 pm
by jedispyder ... 00931.html

My retailer really did not like this idea, guessing because he loves being able to leave early on Tuesday when things get dull, lol. At least it was what we expected where it was a "change to all" but instead retailers can opt out of it. It just means that DCP will likely get their issues scanned on Tuesdays for those retailers who don't want to wait to release them on Wednesday when they already have them.

Then again, there is the whole "With the implementation of day-early delivery, Diamond will also initiate a “mystery shopper” program to ensure that participating retailers abide by the industrywide Wednesday release date for books received on Tuesday." I still feel that some of the people in DCP are retailers, so if that's true it won't even matter.

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 6:26 pm
by Tragic Angelus
The only possible nice thing about this is that now, shops who do opt for Tuesday delivery could possibly be open much much earlier on Wednesdays, depending on how they are operating now.

The shop I use right now doesn't open until 3pm at the latest on Wednesday, since they're delivery may not arrive until anywhere around Noon, the time they open just about every other day of the week. So with about a 3 hour time to sort, count, and then file for regular pull lists, they open anywhere between 2-3.

If shops get things on Tuesday, they could close at normal, and stay a few extra hours to set up for Wed so they could open earlier for more business, or at the very least a later start to their Wed.

But yeah, I'm sure there will be shops with preferred costumers and the like who will get their books about 12 hours earlier.

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 7:14 pm
by jedispyder
My shop opens at 11am on Wednesday, doesn't matter if they have the books or not. They do the files and such as the customers are grabbing new books. They'd lose too much business if they open later since a lot of people getting books are on their lunch break and arrive in their suit and tie, lol.

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 8:03 pm
by Tragic Angelus
Exactly what I mean. My shop back home opened at 12 every Wed, and by 8 or 9 we had gone to UPS to pick up the deliveries and had everything done by about 11, went for lunch, then opened. It's too risky to open late.

It drives me nuts that this one doesn't open until then, but they said they can't get their delivery any earlier. So if there are shops that don't get their delivery unitl later in the day, and are in a huge rush to set up while trying to open, or put books out with customers trying to get them before they're out of the box (which is annoying I'm sure, similar to how they were when trying to get into theaters we needed to clean out and reset when i was there), having an earlier delivery could be beneficial.

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 8:43 pm
by jedispyder
My shop did have some problems with idiotic delivery people. One didn't delivery until 3pm one week, but that didn't happen after he called to complain. Especially since he's losing money by them taking too long (in the form of lost customer and the special help for Wednesday only to sort new books). I'll talk to him tomorrow to see his reaction on this, he may or may not go through it.

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 9:16 pm
by Tragic Angelus
Yeah, being optional I don't think it'll cause a huge stir just yet, until a few maybe do it and get caught with the early sell or something, or until it turns enough of the share on early delivery that they make that the official delivery, which this could be a smaller step towards.

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 11:42 am
I don't care much about this. I just hope it means my shop will get the comics on the following Friday instead of Monday. Then I'll be able to read my new comics on the weekend.

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 1:46 pm
by jedispyder
I talked to my retailer and he said he's just getting sick and tired of the new guy not getting with the program. Today he didn't bring the books until 11, which is when the store opens! He said he most definitely wants to do the "get it Tuesday for Wednesday release" because of his delivery man's incompetence, lol.

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 2:21 pm
by Mr Wallstreet
This sounds nice but it doesn't really affect me. I still go on Fridays to get my books. My old shop used to open around 11ish every day and even then it wasn't a big deal because I was in school and always picked my stuff up on thursday afternoons (my last class of the week).

So yeah, this will be good for folks who want their stuff early (looking at you Ed ;))

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 3:11 pm
by wolf_2099
I get my comics once every 2 moths on the weekends.

I am furious about this.

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 5:13 pm
by Tragic Angelus
Well I go every Wednesday right now since my class schedule lets me. They close at 7, and I can either rush to get them before my 4pm class or get in later on around 6 which isn't bad. Of course I'm used to Saturday pick up when I was working at the shop back home, but even then I started getting books on Wed. because I would really want to read something new by then. I go Wed here because they occasionally forget a book or in the case of Buffy, ever 3 issues or so they don't toss in both covers.

I'd love to get them earlier in the day if my shop would be open then before my 1pm class, but it really won't matter as I'm moving home next semester to student teach. And then I'll either get books later on Wed. nights or wait to the Weekend, but being back home I'll have a higher chance of having everything I want saved for certain.