Lyon's crime book festival aka Warren Fuckin Ellis is in town!

General discussions about the books with tights and fights!

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Stocky Boy
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Post by Stocky Boy »

Nice one Arn!

It is quite weird when big name people have small crowds. Conversely, mid level guys from the States will get reasonably big queues if they come to the UK. I guess because people over here are less likely to get the chance of a signature from them.

The way you described Ellis is how I remembered him. Did he have a bottle of Jack Daniels on the table?

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Post by wolf_2099 »

Nicely done!

How was the con itself?
"French is like anal, exotic but oh so unnecessary."

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Post by XIII »

It was a nice con, with a lot of people. I didn't do much besides the signing. Browsed the booths for books to buy.
There were other stuff to do (panels, a live crime investigation in the city centre, movies to see) but I didn't do any of that.

Ellis only had water with him. The main reason for him not to have a queue was that it was a book con, not a comics con and the fact he was a guest wasn't known much.
He'll be signing tomorrow in a comics shop in Paris and I'm sure there'll be a huge turn-up.

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