WB/DC are missing the Marketing Train

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Mr Wallstreet
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WB/DC are missing the Marketing Train

Post by Mr Wallstreet »

This past weekend was the Superbowl. In addition to being the biggest sporting event in the U.S. it's also a time when previews for summer blockbusters are shown.

This year during the Superbowl several ads were shown for upcoming Summer blockbusters which included: Thor, Captain America, Transformers & Pirates of the Carribbean 4 in addition to a few other upcoming summer films. Noticably absent from all the movie ads was the Green Lantern film (something DC also passed on promoting properly at NYCC & SDCC). WB pretty much missed an opportunity to shill their product at a time when most America is watching TV.

If all this weren't bad enough, several online articles have already started naming upcoming summer films as the most talked about and, again, left off the list is GL.

If WB doesn't start promoting their film properly, it will go the way of The Incredible Hulk. Incredible Hulk was a good/great film but it created almost no buzz in the months leading up to it due to piss poor marketing & as a result had a signifigantly lower rate of return than expected.

This is WB's first real shot at putting something substantial out there that isn't a Batman or a Superman film and they're screwing up big time.

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Post by wolf_2099 »

Have you seen the preview? Yikes. The negative feedback to that alone makes me feel like DC has already written off their GL film.

You are right they've missed the train, Marvel has already done better marketing for the Avengers which is a year later.
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Post by XIII »

I'm with Wulf. The preview was terrible.

"I know, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight"...

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