John Adams Miniseries

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Mr Wallstreet
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John Adams Miniseries

Post by Mr Wallstreet »

I've been watching the John Adams HBO miniseries on DVD for the past few days and its a pretty good series.

The series highlights Adams role in the birth of America, his part in getting the continental congress to push for resolutions that would steer America both towards freedom and war with England, acting as a foreign diplomat to France, the Netherlands as well as helping steer America after its first few years of independence by serving as George Washington's VP then President himself. The series also highlights Adams shortcomings, his inability to play politics, his blunt nature which often times offended others and earned him more enemies than allies.

JA also gives a lot of attention to Adams personal life as well as his public life, how his constant moving around and acting as a delegate (both foreign and domestic) affected his family life and relationships with his children and wife. At times his marriage seemed on the brink of collapse due to his long-term and constant abscence. Certainley, his relationship with his children was strained due to his long stretches of absence as well as his domineering nature. He demanded his children go into the fields of his choice which were mostly law. His older children (actually his sons), while resentful at his requests obeyed them nonetheless. At one point Adams forced his oldest son ,John Quincy Adams, to break off his relationship with a woman he had been seeing and then without consulting JQA, he reccomended him as an ambassador - again much to JQA disdain. It was only JA youngest son, Charles, who outwardly rebelled against him, getting into trouble with authority and finally dying as an alcoholic. JA even stated that Charles was a dissapointment to him. There is also JA's tumultuous relationship with his colleagues, Ben Frankin, Thomas Jefferson, & George Washington that is explored.

I would recommend this film to anyone who likes period pieces and is interested in the role some of the framers of the constituion played early in its history.

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Mr Wallstreet
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Joined: Sat Feb 14, 2009 10:21 pm

Post by Mr Wallstreet »

I finish wastching John Adams this week then dive headfirst into BattleStar Gallactica season 4.0

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