BX Mini Meet up

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Tragic Angelus
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Post by Tragic Angelus »

As neither of us drink we did not go to Milanos

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Mr Wallstreet
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Post by Mr Wallstreet »

No Milanos. Also, it would have been boring to go bar hopping in the middle of the day, especially if there were no creators present.

All told, we had a blast. I'll post what we did over the next day. After Ed left, I went home, ran an errand, then lay down to watch some television. Apparently, within 30 seconds of lying down, I fell asleep and didn't get up until about an hour ago. I'm still kind of tired but now I'm refreshed and ready for the day

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Mr Wallstreet
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Post by Mr Wallstreet »

My whirlwind week with Edbert:

I met up with Ed Monday afternoon. He was staying at the Pennsylvania hotel, across from Madison Square Garden. Ed was to meet me in front of his hotel, now there were a lot of people there but I was able to identify him by the hideous No Doubt shirt he was wearing. We had dinner at a nice Italian restaurant not too far from his hotel then as is our custom, we spent the next several hours talking about BX and comics (our life blood). We walked down up and down Madison avenue taking in some of the sights briefly before heading to Herald Square where we spent a couple more hours chit chatting. After waiting 7 years to meet him there was no shortage of conversation. We wound up calling it a night pretty late.

The next morning we met up at 7:30 and worked our way to the marvel offices on 5th avenue, where we got some photos in front of the marvel offices - only to learn afterwards that they are no longer there, then we went to the main branch of the NY public library, Grand Central Station, Bryant Park and then the Metropolitan Museum of Art where we went to the Greek & Roman exhibits, 19th century European art exhibits and one of the Asian Silk exhibits. I got Ed some culture.

When we got out of the Museum, it was nearing lunch so we cut through a portion of central park and down fifth avenue and had lunch at a nice French Restaurant called La Bonne Soupe. We a great time eating out French. I tried some fried codfish as did Ed topped off with chocolate dessert. After lunch we walked down to Times Square where we passed the DC offices and a ton of other sights. After Times Square we went to both Midtown Comics shops. From there we went to the Empire State Building. And lucky for us, we managed to beat the rush. We didn't have to wait in line too long beyond the security check points. Once at the top we spent some time taking in the sights. After we had our fill of the top of ESB we made our way down only to a line of people waiting to get in. Once outside we went to Jim Hanley's comic shop we geekdom reared its ugly head once again.

After getting out of Jim Hanley's it was very late and neither one of us was in the mood for a long or late lunch so we had Schwarma in Herald Square. After being fed and thoroughly exhausted we called it a night

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Post by MGM »

Mr Wallstreet wrote:The next morning we met up at 7:30
Say what now?

Mr Wallstreet wrote: We a great time eating out French.

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Mr Wallstreet
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Post by Mr Wallstreet »

Day 2 also began at 7:30.

We took the train downtown to WTC Ground Zero where we saw the Freedom Tower. As the tower is still under construction we were not able to get in. However, the museum portion of the WTC site was open but required tickets and we didn't want to wait in line for that. After that we went to Wall Street, and walked along the pier discussing of all things Buffy & Angel. We stopped at the South Street Seaport. We then trained it downtown and walked across the Brooklyn Bridge. After the Brooklyn Bridge we hopped another train towards the water and took a ferry ride from NY to Staten Island, passing by the Statue of Liberty. After we got back, we went to Midtown where we had lunch at a nice pizzeria. After lunch we went to my comic shop in the Flat Iron district, passed by the Bugle Building, went downtown to Forbidden Planet and St. Marks Comics. After getting out of St. Marks we went back to Ed's hotel where we got our bearings together and relaxed until 8:00pm. A little before 8 we made our way to Times Square where saw a play on Broadway called Avenue Q. Avenue Q was a very enjoyable and funny play. After the show let out we went back to Ed's hotel and called it a night. Another successfully fun and tiring day came to an end.

The last day Ed would only be around until 12. So at 8 we met up and went downtown to where they filmed that filthy show he loves called FRIENDS. Ed took photos around there and on the way out of the park was so drunk with happiness that he started singing the theme song to it. It was only the fact that we were in public that saved him from a severe lashing. After spending time at the park we walked around downtown on greene street taking in the sights before heading back so Ed could catch his train in time. We said our goodbyes and before I knew it, Ed was whisked away.

Over the course of 2.5 days I got know Ed very well. He's a great, standup guy. He's funny and genuinely a nice person. I don't think I can say one negative thing about him other than his abominable taste in music, tv and comic writers. Also, and I can't say this about you other guys, Ed eats like every meal like the Flash. I'm not kidding. He works through his meals like its a race. The first night when we had dinner, I had gotten only a fourth of the way through my meal and Ed was already finished. The same with the second day at the French restaurant and when we had pizza. The minute they brought out lunch, he began working his through it like a killer. When they gave us our slices, I set them down on our table. I turned away for one moment to get napkins and he had already eaten one entire slice and a half of another one. It was frightening. But eating disorder's aside, he's a great guy and I hope he comes back soon.

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Mr Wallstreet
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Post by Mr Wallstreet »

MGM wrote:Say what now?
7:30am. The weather was very nice so we decided to get an early jump on our sightseeing which worked well for us because we did a buttload of walking

Men. Specifically our waiter

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Post by wolf_2099 »

I need to read this all again more closely, but first impressions.

Board meetings are so strange when the is no comic convention centered around it!
"French is like anal, exotic but oh so unnecessary."

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Post by Tragic Angelus »

I had an absolutely amazing time in New York City. I apologize for not posting sooner or putting up photos. I too passed out very early Thursday night, and Friday we had a covert/movie screening event for our KOKOMO-CON and then I had a bachelor party today. It's been a whirlwind week.

Yes it is true, I do eat incredibly fast. All of my friends and family comment on it all the time and Farhan got to witness it firsthand. I really did consume a large slice of pizza in the time it took him to walk up and get napkins for himself. But I was also very hungry.

I did make him walk around with me in my No Doubt shirt the first day. I wanted him to be able to recognize me as soon as he saw me. I plan to do the same for any of the rest of you if the opportunity ever arrises. The next day as we looked thru a souvenir store at some comic book merchandise, low and behold, "Don't Speak" came on the radio and I began to serenade him softly throughout the store, as he quickly ran away from me. It was wonderful!

One of our biggest conversational disagreements was on the costume choices of Scott Summers. I do not mind and at times prefer him to have the hair covering headpiece on his costumes. Farhan does not and he pointed to every statue, comic, and toy with the covering and proclaimed them "that shitty looking Cyclops" everywhere we went. Then at one store, as I'm looking at an interesting Hank Pym statue display, he points to the display and proclaims "oh there's your shitty Cyclops. That costumes even worse than the others!" I awkwardly acknowledge this and go "yeah... It.. Is I guess" and chuckle and pay it no mind, assuming he's making a joke as he had pointed to one of the Goliath/Giant Man states where Pym wore Blue with Yellow stripes down the center. as I turn to look away e goes "Oh man! That's not even Cycolops is it?? Who is that?" I responded "You mean the guy next to the huge Giant Man and the Yellowjacket?" "Yeah who is that?" "That's Hank Pym. That's why there's nothing but Hank Pyms in that entire display case". As soon as he realized this he got very embarrassed and I told him he couldn't criticize Cyclops anymore because he doesn't even know what he looks like.

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Mr Wallstreet
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Post by Mr Wallstreet »

Edbert's a liar.

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Post by Tragic Angelus »

Its ok. They've both been horrible husbands. I'm sure that's what you were basing it off of.

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Post by XIII »

This reminds me of the time at the first NYCC when Wally arrived very excited and told us about the pic he had just taken with Adam Kubert. Imagine his disappointment when I pointed out that the guy was actually then-newcomer Davide Digianfelice (Northlanders, Greek Street, Six Guns).

Anyway, sounds like you guys had a very good time! Nice to see that a BX meet-up is possible even when there is no comiccon around!

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