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Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 6:33 am
by Stocky Boy
Writer: Bendis
Artist: Imonen

And so the cliffhangar was doubly ruined.
Not only did #10 cut off the ending a panel too early, UXM filled out the answer for you. Presumably, if we are intended to read both books together, the reader was supposed to read ANXM before UXM. Seems like Editorial/Shipping Schedule decided otherwise.

In this issue, a large part of it is deals with an argument that follows Angel's decision to join Cyke's team. A scuffle breaks out. Jean goes fascist again and Kitty remonstrates her for her mind control actions. Still, the seriousness of the mind rape still doesn't feel like it's being covered well enough. You get panels where Kitty explains to Jean that people are understandably scarred of her, but you don't get any panels of people actually being scarred of her.

I did like Angel's moments in this issue. He voices a quite understandable concern. He is screwed either way. If he goes back and things carry on as they are supposed to, he ends up as a psychologically damaged, oblivious blank state. If he stays, which none of them should do, he's messing with the time line.
I think there clearly is a plan for the time line to not be messed with, but for the young five to carry on as they are. However, I'm just not interested anymore.

Also, in this issue, finally someone will confront Wolverine's XMen about all the murder and chaos that's been going on, perpertrated by Mystique under the guise of the XMen.

I'll flick through the next issue of ANXM and UXM. Maybe buy them, but it shouldn't be too long before I drop them both.

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 10:00 am
by Mr Wallstreet
I just got my copy. I thought the issue was very well done. It demonstrated just how raw Jean is. The first mind control of Warren made her look scary and badass but the second mind control was significantly more dangerous and depicted her as bad as any of the villains they've fought.

However, I thought the issue focused too much on Jean's unethical mind control and the alleged reaction of fear of her fellow X-Men and less on Warren's feelings and reaction to being mind controlled and mind controlled by a close friend at that.

I really hope Bendis comes back to this and explores it properly. Bendis is great at setting up emotional conflict but somtimes sucks ass with following up with it. In some cases he'll just have the two characters dance around the issue with some supposedly deep one-liners and end it with a knowing look between the two characters and leave it at that - which is totally unsatisfying for me as a reader.

For the time being, I'm still along for the ride